The new tomb raider game

EagleOC said:
Thanks. I 've been unable to get any Cats to work. What ones are you using? - I'll use them as a start point. :)

Thanks for the help.

I'm using 6.3 as you were above :(

I would suggest a complete uninstall of the cats, including using ATIs cleanup tool, reinstall of DirectX and the reinstall of 6.3. Not sure what else you can do really.
SiD the Turtle said:
Hmm in the mansion I'm at this bit where I can put two book trolleys onto switches on the floor. I'm assuming thats supposed to do something, but nothing happens!

Repeated from last page. Anyone got an answer? Its doing my head in.
Too Short

Anyone else completed the game yet and felt it was way too short?

It took me 8hrs and i found 90% of the secrets on the first pass.

Nothing really left to make me go back.

Good game though :)
i finished it yesterday and i agree it was way too short.Huge dissapointment for me as it was one game i was really looking forward too.Oh well lets hope TR8 is better :rolleyes:
I had high hopes after all the hype going on about 'going back to the roots'.

Rubbish. I played the demo. Feels nothing like the original games and nothing else probably ever will.

It's still about Croft's chest, that's all they can achieve with the brand now.

The advert is hilarious. Some lass at the end going 'it's out there .... waiting'. It kinda drips off her toungue.

Sad state.
Haven't read the thread in case of spoilers. Screenshots below is where I'm currently at. Hmmm, the walls look better with the "Next Gen" setting on but overall it definitely looks better with the setting off.


Completed it a little while ago with next gen enabled throughout on patch 1.1 (makes a big difference to next gen FPS). Got a pretty constant 30FPS @ 1920x1200 but the problem seems to be that the PC cannot handle the game engine with any of the next gen FX enabled.

Ran it @ 640x480 full next gen. Same 30FPS & in-game stuttering. Disabling any/all of the next gen settings made no difference.

Ran it @ 1920x1200 next gen disabled and very smooth with no in-game stuttering.

Think the bottleneck may be memory bandwidth related as there must be a lot of motherboard data processed when next gen is enabled.

Back to the actual game, it has some tremendous tombraider style levels with breathtaking gfx & pixel shader use but it is way too short and very buggy still. On one level you have to kill a large creature in the water by hitting a metal door then pulling a switch to bring a spiked cage down on its head. Then repeat this 4 times in all on 4 different cages. Major bug is that one of the cages gets stuck if you pull the switch too often when trying to kill the creature so you get totally stuck and have to restart the entire level because of the stupid quicksave system remembering the bugged cage everytime (even after a shutdown/restart). Another poor bug is in many places textures are either missing or become invisible even on some of the bike sections making them much harder as you cannot see the ground.

Game is way too short. Glad I got it for £17.99 and can understand why Eidos sold it so cheaply as its half the size of the other 6 TR titles (even AOD was much longer).

Think this is the shape of things to come as next gen games cost well into 8 figures to make nowadays so whenever the release date gets near the Q&A obviously goes out the window (even on consoles) because of the massive development costs the management panic and the end result is an unfinished game with a lot of potential but annoying bugs which will probably never get fixed.
Thanks for that AWPC, im just before that bit with the cages, still trying to figure out the bell and weight inside the building, keep falling off the chandlier??
Last Kronin said:
Thanks for that AWPC, im just before that bit with the cages, still trying to figure out the bell and weight inside the building, keep falling off the chandlier??
All you have to do here is swing the chandelier so that it hits the bell (you quickly climb the rope to increase the height) to break the sword out of the statue.
drag the broken tombstone to the large broken pillar.Grapple the chandelier so it swings towards the large bell.then climb on the tombstone and onto the pillar and jump onto the stone weight.The chandelier should then hit the bell.Job done :D
I am in two minds about this, one is that it is a lot more fluid than previous incarnations, however it feels arcadey as a result of this, especially comat, infact I would say I hate the combat. The vehicle bits suck beyond belief... I think the fluidity is a blessing and a huge curse, I used to enjoy having to press buttons so our old-school retarded lara could be bothered to grab ledges. However when clues about puzzles are blatently obvious with your two radio gimps telling you what to do, it kind of ruins the satisfaction you got in the older ones after walking around for 2 hours going "WTF!?" you finally nail it and get a move on.

I think TR3 was the last really good one; Legend is a step in the right direction, it is just way to easy, not enough "adventure" seems to be more action, plus it needs to be much longer, I am on the last level at the moment after a casual weekend. There seems to be 8 missions. The older TRs would had about 6 "countries" with about 3-4 or missions in each giving a good months worth of play.

Edit: Finished it now:

I decided to fire up TR2 and have a go, despite being damn harder to control, its a much, much better game.

I would say positive points about TRL are:

>More fluid action
>Better Graphics (I know this is important for some, but personally I don't care in this case)
>Some stunning level designs, and great planning and acting to make the game cinematic in feel.
>Ragdoll norks. :D

Negative Points:
>Too easy (gimpy radio buddies, grappling hook and binoculars can sod off, also that light source, I preferred salvaging flares and treasuring them)
>Emphasis placed on shooting a clone army of mercenaries rather than solving puzzles and **gasp** raiding tombs.
>Horrendously, horrendously short game
>Lack of weapons, this irritated me really, you had about 4 weapons, you could only carry one and the ammo for it was abundant. I wish for a return of the harpoon gun to shoot dogs with.

I was pretty damn disappointed really, I would not give it a low mark as it is a good game, but when TR1, TR2 and TR3 got 9/10 quite commonly and this is scoring on about the same level, it is nowhere near as good a game imho.

I would probably give it about 7.5, not quite an 8 but a bit above being a 'good' game.
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Everyone was dancing around and rejoicing that the latest NVidia drivers improved TRL performance in Next Gen mode, and I hardly saw any.

However, a fresh install later and the game plays with Next Gen mode on without any stuttering. Yum.
I really missed the wide open places from the first TR...I remember running round for hours in that first one,,trying to workout what to do next and where to go...

This TR legends is just like a single narrow one way path..Nothing at all like what made the first tombraider so special..
And why this legends one keep telling me what to do instead of letting me work it out for myself....even on the hardest setting.
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