The **Now Drinking** Thread

Erdinger Weissbier.

Not a regular in Ahleckz's mouth, but after the recent weissbier thread thought I'd buy a bottle. It's alright, pretty unremarkable really.
Had a really bad nights sleep last night, kept waking up feeling short of breath. Was bunged up and congested, so think it must have been blocking my airways a bit.

Hence the fact I just downed an entire can of red bull in one go. *yawn* -.-
Unfiltered Staropramen, cloudy but tasty :)
JD and ginger ale.

Never tried it before - quite liking all these spirits and mixers you can get in supermarkets now. I don't like beer, and don't want to drink all that sugar filled alcopop nonsense; it's nice to be able to try some different things without having to buy a whole bottle of JD.
JD and ginger ale.

Never tried it before - quite liking all these spirits and mixers you can get in supermarkets now. I don't like beer, and don't want to drink all that sugar filled alcopop nonsense; it's nice to be able to try some different things without having to buy a whole bottle of JD.

Yeah they do seem to be coming ever more popular lately. Checkout Captain Morgan's & Cola though it will taste a lot sweeter than what your drinking now. Going back to not liking beer I will try and tempt you to pick up a single bottle of Innis & Gunn 'Original' it truely is something else and might even sway you :)

Innis & Gunn Original - Smooth Scottish Beer with hints of Toffee, Vanilla and Oak.
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Yeah they do seem to be coming ever more popular lately. Checkout Captain Morgan's & Cola though it will taste a lot sweeter than what your drinking now. Going back to not liking beer I will try and tempt you to pick up a single bottle of Innis & Gunn 'Original' it truely is something else and might even sway you :)

I've tried every beer my OH gets, just about... have tried lagers, bitters, ales, stouts, British, Belgian... Just can't get on with any of them :(

He's drinking Tangle Foot as we speak and has just been drinking something called Tripel Karmeleit - don't like either.

Only ones I do like is Sam Smith's fruit ales!


Sierra Tequila (****ing disgusting, only tequila I've ever tried that I don't enjoy drinking straight).

Sainte Etienne


And finally some Highland Earl whisky (the bottle spells it like that ;) ). £14 for a litre, so thought it worth a try. Apparently it won a gold award in 2010.
just a quick heads up for Stella fans, its on offer at Sainsburys £13 for 18x440ml
its not as good a deal as weve seen over Xmas but hopefully this might start a stella price war :)

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