The **Now Drinking** Thread

The Kernel Porter quite nice, feels really thick and Is very dark, hold it upto the screen and cant see anythign thru it :p

EDIT: Goddamit it's made me really hungry :confused:
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Einstok Icelandic Toasted Porter


Seems quite thick, not sure if as thick as the last but damn tastes fantastic.
Seems quite smokey to me, think it would go well with a peaty whisky in the other hand.

couldn't help but laugh at the label, I thought it was a goose or something in the store, I've had a proper look its a bloody viking LOL. Think this may be another to add to the regular buys but its quite pricey :(
Asda........... NO WAY :eek: I'm not going to Asda, my local one is filled with chavs :o

I think I've tried the pear one before, but I do still prefer the berry flavours :p
I know Rekorderling now have a Mango and Raspberry flavour... Really want to try it but can't find it anywhere :(
Coffee at the moment but I'll be sampling some of the 100+ ales, lagers and ciders at a beer festival from 1pm :cool:

My afternoon of drinking > your afternoon of drinking :D

Edit: Actually 160+ different drinks \o/
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Tea, but I need Lucozade!

Coffee at the moment but I'll be sampling some of the 100+ ales, lagers and ciders at a beer festival from 1pm :cool:

My afternoon of drinking > your afternoon of drinking :D

Edit: Actually 160+ different drinks \o/

Alcohol is bad for you. Be more like me and don't drink...NEVER DRINKING AGAIN.
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