The **Now Drinking** Thread

Been drinking bloody Marys all day as is my wont on a hangover Sunday. Made with Russian Standard vodka and Big Tom spiced tomato juice. Had about half a litre of vodka so far and now on dry martinis made with Tanqueray gin and Noilly Prat vermouth. Not terribly impressed with the Tanqueray. I ordered the Tanqueray 10 from Tesco online but they didn't have any and substituted the normal stuff. As I say, not terribly impressed. Will probably switch to whisky for the remainder of the night :D
Today has involved a hangover, Guinness, West St Mungo & West Munich Red.

Now having water and wondering where my life went wrong.
Slowly getting over my "near death experience" - finished off my 12 year Glenfiddich last night in a hot tody. :D

Just had a couple of John Smiths today - I've got a couple of Sierra Nevada IPA I've seen mentioned on here chilling in my fridge just now. Hoping they live up to the hype they've already generated on here :p

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Going down quite well while I make myself a huge bowl of stovies :D
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Mystery Scottish beer number one here!

First taste I was all :( but it smells really nice and I am starting to enjoy it... (might be because its quite alcoholic too)
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