The **Now Drinking** Thread


Sierra Nevada Torpedo is on draft at a bar in Glasgow atm. Raging that I can't go tonight but will be dragging the girlfriend in tomorrow. She won't be told where we're going though! :o She's getting a bit fed up of going to out of the way bars just because I want an obscure beer.

Keg or cask? I've noticed a few places getting it on cask but it's stupidly expensive because of the costs of transporting a cask all the way from the US.
The old faithful, Sierra Nevada Pale Ale.

Ahleckz, did you ever get around to drinking your Guinness Generous Ale I sent you ages ago? The special edition, American only.

Na, haven't had a chance to drink it yet. Still on my shelf!

Seriously? :confused:

The pub was offering it as a half, they are pretty intense so a half is good enough. Plus, they were around £3.50 for a half.
Oskar Blues -Imperial Red IPA. Not sure why they've added the Red since it looks like most double IPA's. Very nice thou, great hop taste and you can't really notice the alcohol. Very similar to Stone IPA/Ruination.
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