The **Now Eating** Thread

M&S Biscuits. Godly.

I just made and ate my first ever microwaved chocolate cake in a mug.
Rather impressed, although I need to adjust the timings a bit, it was kind of over cooked and crumbly but taste was there.
I wanted a quick sauce for my steak, so I tried a creamy mustard sauce recipe I found online. 2 parts creme fraiche to one part whole grain mustard. Simple, right? It wasn't revolting, but it wasn't good. Even adding more creme fraiche didn't help.
I just made and ate my first ever microwaved chocolate cake in a mug.
Rather impressed, although I need to adjust the timings a bit, it was kind of over cooked and crumbly but taste was there.

10g coconut flour, 3g baking powder, 10g cocoa powder or drinking chocolate. 25g whey protein. 60-90g of water depending on the whey or cocoa used.

Mix. 1:45 on medium. 200 calories 20g+ protein.

tuna salad with mayo and franks red hot sauce mixed together. probably not many peoples taste, but god it went down well. franks makes everything taste good.
I also thought Frank's hot sauce was awful. My home-made hot sauce is made with vinegar but you can taste the Habaneros way above the vinegar. With Frank's, I taste nearly all vinegar with a hint of chilli. I believe I described at the time as tasting like a bottle of vinegar somebody had dipped a chilli into.
each to their own i like it, their xtra hot one is also reasonable strength.
also makes a great base, if i'm doing wings, ill add crushed chilli, garlic, ginger, butter, and chilli flakes.

embrace vinegar, vinegar is so nice.
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