The **Now Eating** Thread

WARNING: highly addictive.. do NOT try these!! a pack lasted me <10 mins... :eek:


they do drumstick flavour as well :/ brb shop..
^ I hope you've got plenty of butter on that toast Dirty me lad!

Cainers sarnie looked very good, but it lacked a good thick layer of butter on the bread.:D

Having a raw egg drink myself :eek: yeah I know, I'm a weird eater at times!:o:p
FYI there is nothing wrong with eating animal fats, gimmy dat grease!. I believe they are actually good for you. I would be more worried about the sugar content in the bread.

Currently got some Duck Confit in the oven (duck legs cooked 3-4 hours at low temp in pure rendered duck fat after being marinated in salt, garlic and thyme) hoping it turns out well haven't had it in ages and only tried it once.

@cainer That sausage n bacon sarnie look's so good. I hope I never see those refreshers in the shops, sugary rubbish is my weakness and I love refreshers!

@craig them meatballs look ace, nom nom nom. :D
both slices were buttered ;)

Good news mate.:)

At work so haven't eaten yet, but I've got a homemade beef burger, 2 pork sausages and some broccoli to cook in a while. No spuds I'm afraid Cainer, you'd hate my boring low carb diet. As long as I get loads of fat and protein I'm happy though.

Might post a pic later, I'll go al dente on the veg this time to please the PC crowd!:D

These are East German - chocolate with crisp-bread mashed up inside; it sounds awful but they are incredibly addictive and ones of the few brands to still be really strong after the reunification.
I love theme but only get to either buy them a few times a year when i am in Germany (usually reserving a couple of kilos in my luggage space alongside the other chocolate :D ) or occasionally in presents sent over from the in laws.
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