The **Now Eating** Thread

erm, hmm, erm.. bit of each :D

erm, hmm, erm.. bit of each :D[IMG][/QUOTE]:eek: :eek: I'm on a diet therefore no ice cream, chocolate or cakes for the next 4 weeks.... :(

Made myself a nice ham and veggie potato bake for dinner:


It's a lot healthier than it looks....... :o
:eek: :eek: I'm on a diet therefore no ice cream, chocolate or cakes for the next 4 weeks.... :(

Made myself a nice ham and veggie potato bake for dinner:


It's a lot healthier than it looks....... :o

Wow that actually looks really nice, do you have any recipes for this? I'd also like to keep it as low fat as possible, did you use any cheese in the bake because it looks a wee bit creamy?
Wow that actually looks really nice, do you have any recipes for this? I'd also like to keep it as low fat as possible, did you use any cheese in the bake because it looks a wee bit creamy?
Recipe? Really?! No one's ever asked me for recipes before (probably because I'm a bad cook) :eek: I kinda made this dish up though :D And I erm... Cheated a little with the sauce.. I could've made my own sauce (butter, plain flour and milk etc) but this sachet sauce isn't *that* bad :p

Ingredients used:
1x yellow pepper
1x carrot
handful each of: mushrooms, dwarf beans, broccoli
3 slices of ham
6-7 baby potatoes (equiv of 1 large or 1.5 medium potatoes?!)
grated mozzarella
tablespoon of butter for mash
Schwartz garlic and mushroom packet sauce
half pint/300ml semi skimmed milk for sauce

What I did:
1) boil potatoes first as they take the longest to cook
2) once potatoes are done start boiling the rest of the veg (I accidentally overcooked them though :o)
3) mash the potatoes with butter
4) mix sachet sauce with milk, bring to boil and thicken, then chuck in all the veggies and chopped up ham
5) pour the sauce/veg into a oven dish and lay the mash on top
6) sprinkle mozzarella on top and put in the grill for 10-15 mins

There... You asked for it.. I don't blame you if you don't want to follow my recipe :D

Boiling the veg beforehand isn't ideal as you're losing the nutrients, however as I was using a microwave grill then that means I have to do this otherwise the top of the dish will burn before the veg inside is even cooked. You don't have to boil the veg first if you use an oven and slow bake at a low temperature :)

Edit: serves 3-4 people. My sister and I each had 1/4 of the dish. It's also going to be my lunch tomorrow :o
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Excellent, thanks!

I like the sauce short cut, i'll probably just end up doing my own concoction but i'll leave the veggies till last as I have overcooked, soggy vegetables. Will post a photo once it's done. :p
Finally got round to making my pie, been waiting for this all week. :o


Was nice, just steak and onion, made my own pastry which turned out perfickt so I'm pretty happy.:) Was V nom, ate most of it before I remembered to take a pic..:o
I had two wenches to feed too, didn't eat all of it! :p

Cheers mon, well done on the MoH too, well deserved for you services to culinary excellence!

Bought some belly pork for the weekend, might just do a nice slow roast, hmmm, or do I go spicy?
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