The **Now Eating** Thread

Dinner last night:


Brunch earlier today:

@ Spuj1988 .... that is mouth watering awesomeness

@ smit101 .... being meaning to ask, where you get your black pudding?

Just finished off some roast beef (top side), roast and mashed potatoes, roast veg and gravy.... sorry no pic.
@ smit101 .... being meaning to ask, where you get your black pudding?

I get it from local butcher, massive long sausage of it!:eek: for just a few quid, it's nearly all blood and fat, hardly any grain in it. Try your local butcher he'll have some, if not most of the supermarkets sell it I believe.

sorry no pic.

But we want one!:(

Brought some spicy mince meat samosas back from a cousin's house.

Spicy to the point where my nose feels runny... Now that's my kind of heat.
But it's not good for your health...

I don't buy into the 'saturated fat is unhealthy' theory (it's never been proven that it causes heart disease/high cholesterol). Butter is a very clean & natural food IMO and is absolutely chock full of useful nutrients.

The fats I avoid like the plague are margarines/hydrogenated oils etc, and those found in processed/pre-packaged foods.
I don't buy into the 'saturated fat is unhealthy' theory (it's never been proven that it causes heart disease/high cholesterol). Butter is a very clean & natural food IMO and is absolutely chock full of useful nutrients.

The fats I avoid like the plague are margarines/hydrogenated oils etc, and those found in processed/pre-packaged foods.

Regardless of the healthiness of saturated fats (I agree with you on the butter vs marge thing) you must have even over a thousand calories just of butter over the last few days looking at the size of those slabs!

I'm just about to tuck into a beef massaman curry that's been simmering on the hob for the last few hours.
Unfortunately it was done using a bought paste as I've run out of the last homemade batch I did, but still tastes decent from when I sampled it earlier.
Too many misconceptions about what's good or bad for you going round these days yeah^^

Those look soooo nice, love homemade samosas!

The only way I like spicy-hot stuff that's genuinely hot is if it's made at someone's house. Restaurant food isn't hot enough to me and neither are walk up stands in markets and other eateries!

Not to the point where all you taste is heat though, hot enough to be "hot" but you still taste the other ingredients and non home made just doesn't get that mix right.

Still, I'll settle for anything spicy/juicy when eating out :p
Regardless of the healthiness of saturated fats (I agree with you on the butter vs marge thing) you must have even over a thousand calories just of butter over the last few days looking at the size of those slabs!

I tend to eat low carb though, so fat is my main fuel. Please people! just let me eat my butter!:(:p
Just eaten - slow roast belly pork, fondant potatoes and roast carrots and sprouts. Were absolutely lovely, I'm going to do it again next week however with a few tweaks!!
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