Bit of a photo dump of stuff I've made in the last week or so as had a few days off.
Made me and the Mrs a steak dinner and thought I'd make some 'thousand' layer potatoes to go with it. Actually air fried these as opposed to deep fry, delicious (sorry, forgot to take a picture post slice and fry...)
Some English Muffins. First time trying these and came out OK though definitely learnt a few things for next time.
Cheese on homemade sourdough with a little chimichurri on top!
Burnt top Basque Cheesecake. Really not a fan of unbaked cheesecake so this is usually my go to. Tastes similar to an egg custard but with a different texture. One of my favorite deserts! The mix was a little off on this one as the egg and sugar mixture separated slightly but still delicious!
One of the many loafs of Sourdough baked these past weeks. Only started baking bread in December and starting to get the hand of it now. A weekend is no longer complete without a few loafs!
Egg, Bacon and Cheese on homemade Bagels. First time trying bagels and ended up fantastic! Soft, chewy with a lovely crust.
Egg salad on half of said bagel with a few capers and cornichons on top.
Oklahoma style onion burgers. For me, the best way to cook a smash style burger. We have this once a fortnight now, so delicious!