The **Now Eating** Thread

Cranberry and macadamia nut cereal.

MisChief; did you get much meat off the lobster? I've only ever had a full one once on holiday and found that there was only meat in the tail and claws. Don't get me wrong, it was lovely, but a portion of prawns just about fills me and they have more :p
Sorry - only just seen this post!

Yes, you get plenty of meat in lobster! You sure you're not confusing crayfish with lobster? :p Almost every single part of the lobster is full of meat, you even get meat in the legs. The only part I don't eat is the head where it's full of brains and gunk etc :eek: :eek:
Butter, cabbage, mushroom, smoked streaky bacon, chilli sauce.

It might sound odd, but stirfried cabbage is so darn tasty and well why not tturn it into a tasty breakfast. should have scrambled an egg in though.

Got some nice cubed mutton to make a curry eith for later. Plenty of curry chilis on my plants.


Got home and realised there was nothing decent in the fridge or freezer for dinner. Not doing grocery shopping till tomorrow, so takeaway for tonight it is! Chicken curry and fried rice and a cheese naan!

EDIT: Ugh! Only managed about half of it and already completely stuffed! I need to lay down!

DOUBLE EDIT: Also, I didn't enjoy that half as much as I thought I would. I think I'm losing my taste for greasier foods, now that I'm eating them so seldomnly. Hmmm.
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