The **Now Eating** Thread

Just wondering... Do you guys use a lot of recipes or just come up with it as you go? There seems to be a lot of them posted here is why Im asking :)
I almost never use any recipes and when I do I change them fair amount. I have never been good at following them and when I was at the college my teacher sometimes had to tell me to follow the recipe and not go with the flow. He did also encourage me to do so when we were in the study kitchens rather than the restaurant ones...
Only recipes I follow are when Im baking something... Cant really mess with them as you need to have right amount of everything. Except bread. That I make without recipes.

I meant to reply to this earlier but forgot sorry.

Personally I normally only read recipes to get an idea of the methods behind things - that's usually far more interesting than the list of ingredients. Same as yourself and others on here, I'll usually change a recipe fairly drastically when I cook it myself. I also tend to read multiple recipes for the same dish to get an idea of different approaches and then use a combination of them all as a base to work from.

I think part of the reason you see links to recipes posted here is that it's quite a bit easier to do that than to write everything down from scratch whenever someone asks about something.
Eating 1000 calories of ice cream, out of my 1800 calorie allowance would have me very hungry for most of the day :o I'm losing weight (and strength :() but I think it may be too low anyway.

I miss eating everything in sight and collecting my gains :o

Edit: Found a calorie calculator thing, at 6 foot 1, 105kg, and resistance training 5 times a week it puts me at 2800 calories a day to lose weight? Surely not?

Get weight training. I'm losing weight and gaining strength and according to unreliable electric scales gaining muscles mass as well.

Either way I can squat a lot more now than I could 4 weeks ago. First session I struggled to squat just the bar, now upto 50k.
Get weight training. I'm losing weight and gaining strength and according to unreliable electric scales gaining muscles mass as well.

Either way I can squat a lot more now than I could 4 weeks ago. First session I struggled to squat just the bar, now upto 50k.

Already on it, been training for nearly two years now but was eating like a powerlifter :o Now I want to see my abs for the first time and it's killing me!

That's good work though, keep at it and reap the noob gains!
I meant to reply to this earlier but forgot sorry.

Personally I normally only read recipes to get an idea of the methods behind things - that's usually far more interesting than the list of ingredients. Same as yourself and others on here, I'll usually change a recipe fairly drastically when I cook it myself. I also tend to read multiple recipes for the same dish to get an idea of different approaches and then use a combination of them all as a base to work from.

I think part of the reason you see links to recipes posted here is that it's quite a bit easier to do that than to write everything down from scratch whenever someone asks about something.

Ah I see. It does make sense to link a recipe but in my case there usually isnt one to begin with :D or if there is chances are its not in english.
I find it funny though that I got loads of cooking books (get them as presents) which never get used. I like to look at the pictures and read the other parts but some of the recipes in those books just sound awful and a bit off in my opinion. And some are just way too posh for using every day. Ive been meaning to try a fish pie recipe from one of the books which is the only one that sounds good but in over a year I havent got to the part of buying the ingredients and making it :D
Ah I see. It does make sense to link a recipe but in my case there usually isnt one to begin with :D or if there is chances are its not in english.
I find it funny though that I got loads of cooking books (get them as presents) which never get used. I like to look at the pictures and read the other parts but some of the recipes in those books just sound awful and a bit off in my opinion. And some are just way too posh for using every day. Ive been meaning to try a fish pie recipe from one of the books which is the only one that sounds good but in over a year I havent got to the part of buying the ingredients and making it :D

Yeah... I know what you mean :) I don't have the issue of things not being in English obviously but I do often look at recipes and wonder how much of what is done in it is simply down to tradition rather than having a good reason behind it. This is one of the reasons I love stuff like the Serious Eats Food Lab. They are great at debunking myths and finding new and easy ways to recreate things that are traditionally a lot of hassle (hollandaise and shortcrust pastry being two good examples).
Fish, chips and beans :D I can't open my mouth fully when I eat so I'm getting food all over my face... It's annoying :o

Oh that was great.

Ginger, garlic, scotch bonnet and honey chicken, balsamic vinegar tomatoes and sweet potato crisps. Thanks for the suggestions, this will become a new staple fir the next few weeks.

I didn't think the crisps would crisp up, but they did :)

After a long week of travelling...GET IN MAH BELLEH


Followed by some Ben & Jerry's Choc Fudge Brownie afterwards. (This thread needs more pizza's!)
i was almost tempted to get some nuggets instead of the dbl chs brgr, how much does yours charge for them?
at my local they are £2.69 for 6, £2.79 for 9, or £3.79 for 20
as im a sucker for getting my moneys worth it wasnt long before i was eyeing up the box of 20 :p but thought theres no way id eat them all so settled with the dbl chs brgr @ £1.49 :)

Not sure how much they charge to be honest. Probably similar to what yours does. I'm not really a fan of mc nuggets though, so it's rare I'd order any.

You should try the McRib though. The meat is good and the BBQ sauce goes well with it :)
I couldnt help it. We bought a red velvet cake and I had 2 slices. I didnt have any lunch today though and my dinner was stir fry so I might actually just about be in the normal calorie intake.
I feel bit sick now as the frosting is way too sweet.
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