The **Now Eating** Thread

Yum. PJ Half & Half Large Saususge and Pepperoni / Meatball Pepeppeorni

12"+ part baked baguette well buttered, 7 slices of crispy smoked back bacon, fried onion, 1 egg yolk mixed with Tommy K, generous amount of ground black pepper
Was out with friends tonight seeing Peter Pan Goes Wrong at the Theatre Royal in Glasgow. We went for dinner first at a Chinese restaurant across the street called Dragon-I


Starter for me was a Thai spicy crab cake, served with a chilli sauce. Nice, but the sauce was a little on the spicy side!


And for my main, aromatic spiced duck served with pancakes, leeks, cucumber and a sweet hoi seen sauce. The pancakes were in a separate wooden box. There must have been like 8 - 12 pancakes in there! Very good, but seriously filling. I barely had room to finish it. I did finish it though! :D
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