The **Now Eating** Thread

Really feeling like eating finnish everyday kind of food atm so yesterday had a simple chicken in a creamy curry sauce with rice (got the "curry" seasoning from home, has nothing to do with the english or indian curries) and today will be new potatoes, salad and creamy pork sauce (we use a lot of cream in the cooking). I also feel like making a soup even though I am not a big fan of the soups having been forced to have one at least once a week growing up...
Went out for a meal at the weekend.

Hung-drawn and quartered.
pulled pork,brisket,ribs,corndogs,sliders,half a chicken,chicken wings,corn,dirty rice,sweettater fries.

man i felt sick, The other half helped abit she had a small meal and picked off mine. Managed most of it washing it down with Blue moon beer. Not my first time going and will be going back again in 2 weeks time

Benny you can send me 12 of those they look nom nom


Thanks Benny - you just ruined my kcal and macro intake for the day :p

382 cals, 22g fat, 27g carbs, 19g protein (don't have any fiber or sugar details for these but know she uses low calorie sweetners and would expect a couple of grams of fiber).

One more in the cupboard too :cool:

Yum! Care to share your recipe BennyC? :) Ta

Sorry, they were sent to me by a friend, though this particular one isn't available/for sale.

Her site, recipes, book etc can be found here:
:o decent post workout macro's right there .... that looks GODLIKE!

The recipe book my company makes needs to feature more food like this :) good job we are currently working on version 2.0

Macro Recipe Book
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:o decent post workout macro's right there .... that looks GODLIKE!

The recipe book my company makes needs to feature more food like this :) good job we are currently working on version 2.0

Macro Recipe Book

Pretty energy dense but fairly satiating despite this, personally prefer a little lower fat content but I know why this was a little on the high side.

(Sorry, can't help myself, but that website homepage is so badly written :( )
Pretty energy dense but fairly satiating despite this, personally prefer a little lower fat content but I know why this was a little on the high side.

(Sorry, can't help myself, but that website homepage is so badly written :( )

Do you count fat or just use wa minimum?
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