I spectacularly failed to get pictures of the food but at our work's Christmas party last night the catering was amazing. I had...
- Hams, cheeses, olives, bread, mini-meatballs, mini-arancini from Daphne's (of South Kensington) to start
- Two (or three
) mini prawn and scallop burgers in brioche bun, and a tiny bit of fish pie from J. Sheekey
- Mini beef-burger, cottage pie and rocket salad from The Ivy.
- Ice cream cones from Chocolate Pretzel (I think it was called?)
Late night snacks were immense -- mini ham and raclette-ish cheese toasties and deep fried squares of macaroni cheese
Soooooo good!!
Those prawn and scallop burgers were unbelievably addictive.
I'll see if anyone got pics of the food stalls and post up for you.