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I'll also stick up some frame time screenies tonight from bf4, their single card readouts look similar to mine but either their dual card readings a screwed up or I'm doing something very right :p
Yep just a generic issue, the only advise given is to steer clear of 64 man servers until its sorted. Some servers have been perfect others pathetic. As mentioned I think its more to do with other players pings then any one type of system or server.
This might go some way to explaining my spiking issues. Looking at my battle reports from yesterday, quite a few were on 64 player servers. I almost exclusively play on servers this size, oh well back to max settings and stick to 48 players till dice get their finger out.

Off topic, btw Paul are you still having keyboard disconnect issues? Last night i updated all chipset and usb drivers, (intel and as media usb 3 here) and disabled all usb power settings in device manager. Last night and so far today no keyboard disconnects, touches wood.:)
Haven't had much of a play with it lately, though 8.1 update 1 went on last night so I'll see how I get on with that. The most I notice it is when my keyboard backlight flickers.

Been sticking to 32/48 man my self.
Frame Times!

First up...Tomb Raider! Benched using the OcUK bench thread settings on single and dual 780's @ 1110/1600 (back on stock bios!)

Single card..


2 Way SLI


You'll noticed single card has a higher overall latency of ~13ms, with SLI sat at ~7ms.
BF4, frametimes taken from my 335/337 comparisons, both dual card, will do single card 337 shortly.





Latency is slightly down but its that minor its in the margin of error.

Single card to follow, if you can make sense of the above, please do.

Edit: Single card:


I must stress single card felt insanely smooth while averaging a healthy 98fps.
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Clocked a better Catzilla score. Sorry I don't have many game results to add, I've not really played much recently.


Hitman I gained a negative result in on single card though. 64 FPS vs 66 on previous driver build.
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