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I don't really care about low end CPUs CAT :p. You say 'we' as if we all have the same goals and desires of what is needed.

The gains Mantle is getting on low end CPUs is impressive from a "ooo look at that" POV, but how many people actually benefit here?

[Matt]Looks like some 290/X will be getting ridiculed :D.[/Matt]
I don't really care about low end CPUs CAT :p. You say 'we' as if we all have the same goals and desires of what is needed.

The gains Mantle is getting on low end CPUs is impressive from a "ooo look at that" POV, but how many people actually benefit here?

[Matt]Looks like some 290/X will be getting ridiculed :D.[/Matt]

Bring it on Rusty. The proof will be in the pudding. I can't wait to see DX11 being faster than Mantle. :D

I suspect more people game on low end cpus than high ends cpus like us Rusty. :)
DX11 doesn't need to be faster than Mantle, as long as it closes the gap considerably it will stop all of the momentum Mantle has, developers will be asking why don't AMD just improve their DX11 drivers rather than investing time/money in Mantle for a minority of (GCN based) cards.

There is no way that Mantle can dethrone DX11 given the thousands of games already on the market, it will give Microsoft the time they need to release DX12.

I still think it all sounds too good to be true though.
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For sure and that made me proper lol that nVidia performs better on AMD CPU's over Intel CPU's :D

I am sure there is some marketing hype in this but I hope all nVidia users get a nice performance boost with less driver overheads.

I don't think it was like 30% improvements,but it was still noticeably a bit better last time I checked,which was interesting.

Like I said I will give it a try myself.

I don't really care about low end CPUs CAT :p. You say 'we' as if we all have the same goals and desires of what is needed.

The gains Mantle is getting on low end CPUs is impressive from a "ooo look at that" POV, but how many people actually benefit here?

[Matt]Looks like some 290/X will be getting ridiculed :D.[/Matt]

Because the vast majority of gamers are not rocking overclocked Core i5/Core i7/FX8350 based rigs?? :p

PC gaming is not really as a whole pushed forward by enthusiasts - its the 10s of millions of gamers who don't have expensive hardware.

Hardware enthusiasts spend disproportionately more on hardware,replace hardware much quicker and are more vocal(have more web presence for sure),than a lot of gamers out there.

Look at the TH review again. There were significant gains with a £70 and £130 graphics card on a CPU which is Phenom II X4 965BE/980BE level.

You also need to consider there are loads of people still using older CPUs,and we are in the middle of one of the worse recessions for decades.

For a lot of people,having improved performance with lower end CPUs is a boon,since they can simply change over their graphics card. Its far cheaper and much more convenient.

If you want more PC exclusive games or more games with better PC optimisations,it those tens of millions of lower budget gamers which are the important factor,not hardware enthusiats.

If the numbers are not there,just expect more console ports done on the cheap.

This is why I am personally more interested in seeing how things like Mantle/improved Nvidia drivers do on lower specced hardware.

This is where the extra performance is needed.

Now if we include Freesync/G-sync into the mix,things might get very interesting for the PC as a gaming platform,say in the next few years.

Improved efficiency and more playable lower framerates.
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I'll be honest, I'm a bit sceptical about this. I understand Microsoft losing focus on PC gaming while they concentrate on consoles, but this would mean that Microsoft had provided it and both AMD and Nvidia (and Intel?) had overlooked it for years?
AMD then went to the effort of developing Mantle for 2+ years rather than just implement this in their drivers? (unless that's what the 12.11 drivers did and AMD kept it quiet)

Unless this means some more extensions that Nvidia have come up with. Then it means it wouldn't affect existing games and would need to be added in to new games.

Testing the difference will also be a pain as it won't be a graphics setting to switch between the two, it'll be driver re-installs.

If we assume that this does work and does give the sort of improvements being talked about then I'm sure arguments will just revert back to being AMD = better bang-for-buck.

Still, knowing my luck it'll work out exactly as they've said it will, but it'll be released shortly after I've purchased the waterblocks for my AMD cards (meaning more hassle to sell them on and more money lost)...

I compared my 290 results to their (Nvidia's) 290X results. In starswarm with my cpu at 4.8ghz vs their 6 core cpu i scored 39.94 fps and in Thief on dx11.1 i scored 61 fps. Both considerably higher than their 290X scored in those benches so perhaps a grain of salt required.

Or if those benches are correct i suspect some doctoring has occured. Perhaps in thermally constrained environment and ensuring the 290X was running on quiet mode. That's not been done before, has it? :D



Shots fired though and i welcome competition. Can DX11 be better than Mantle? Bring it on i say. Lets see if its true. :)

Also have to love how Matt compares a 4-core 4.8GHz SB CPU against a 6-core 3.2GHz SB-E CPU (they don't mention an OC) and claims that his rig isn't as good. It's running 50% faster on each core! Also it was run with 8GB RAM, Matt has 16GB and they used Win7 64-bit and I believe Matt is on Win8 which has improved performance due to DX11.2 I believe (in BF4 at least). And Matt's claiming that his PC is the slowest one?
Also, I don't see Matt testing the 780Ti to make sure those scores aren't too low either. Are we just assuming they got those spot on?
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One thing to note, I expect there is a fair bit of marketing spiel in the PCper report and anyone who thinks there isn't needs to quite sniffing UHU. AMD/Nvidida/Intel all do marketing and exaggerate or bend the rules to suit.
Damage control. From when a 290x score only 30 fps on star swarm ( i dont know why they use star swarm when its not a consistent benchmark) and from when a 290x score only 60 fps on thief.And if dx11 can provide the same boost like mantle why microsoft create a complete new API?Its pr graphs like amd's one.They dont have anything until dx12 2015.

Also 14.3 beta drivers add support for mantle on thief. I dont know why they bench it with 14.2
If this is true then it probably confirms my thoughts all along..

The performance has always been there but has never been given to us because they have been forcing a lot of people to buy the fastest possible cards on the market at high prices just to make more money. Think about it. If mid-range cards did the job on Ultra settings in games then there'd be no need to buy top end GPU's in the first place. Unless you're running crazy resolutions/multiple monitors.

So they can suddenly boost perf in the drivers now?

Like Matt said.. the proof will be in the pudding.

I personally think this is being overhyped to counter AMD's push of Mantle.

And i think Nvidia are the worried ones right now although there is certainly some kind of Mantle effect going on here :p
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