I’m in a dilemma.
I don’t think I love my wife anymore even thou she is the best wife i could ask for.
She does everything for me, i mean everything, i dont clean do the garden nothing, this isn’t because i cant be arsed but she is hyper and has to always be doing something, she actually enjoys it.
But why don’t love her, the sex is not great, she’s not willing to do anything different and has a low sex drive, infact its rock bottom and has been for years, this puts a real strain on things, as it used to be awesome not just when we first met, but years after we got married as well, for some reason she lost interest, we have spoke about it but she’s not willing to do anything, i wanted to speak to marriage counsellors but she wouldn’t have any of it.
Its not just the sex, when we got wed we decided not to have kids, that’s 8 years ago now, i have changed my mind, i want a family, im ready now, again she says that she doesn’t want them and will not even speak about it, she fly’s of the handle and goes mental.
Now we have been apart for nearly 2 months with one weekend visit in between due to work, when I got home all I got was moaned at, and I didn’t get any sex at all.
In my heart I don’t think she loves me like she used to, I know she has never cheated on me and I never have on her, however I have been close a few times, she has a lot more to lose than just a marriage, I took her away from a bad area, she gets everything she asks for, we both work but my pay is triple hers so she would lose her life style and would end up back to where she came from.
I dont know what to do i really don’t, do i stay or do i go, i do love her of course i do but shes not what i want any more (how selfish is that)