Do you not think that good people sometimes find someone new and eventually build up the courage to end their unhappy relationship and move on?.
I'm not talking about people in an unhappy relationship, if it's unhappy then leave it why would you stick around the misery whilst trying to find someone else?
if they have the freedom to be able to cheat and end a relationship then they arent trapped in an actual abusive relationship they are just being manipulative.
but if it makes you feel less guilty also to be hooking up with a woman whos already got a partner then whatever.. I guess technically you are doing the guy a favour but to me it's just wrong.
there's enough actual single women out there that I don't see the need to lust after ones that are already taken.
random poster cant be bothered to find their name said:
Men compete for women, deal with it.
if you want to compete with someone for the woman then do it! do in in the guys face not behind his back like a little coward manchild whos pretending to be all alpha.
actually compete with the guy! its not a competition if he doesn't know about it.
I would love to know how many people would actually do that, I'm guessing not many because most people with the alpha attitude are little boys trying to overcome their insecurities.
I've known some alpha people in my 38 years on this planet.
and in my experience these alpha types get in a lot of trouble when they are younger, have a fairly high chance of ending up in prison at some point during their late teens.
they tend to not actually be successful at life because they are always finding trouble or looking for a fight.
most of the people who think they are alpha actually aren't.