The OcUK Summer BBQ Meet-Details

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If the weather looks good I'm going to really rough it and come on 2 wheels. Then I can't even sleep in the car (not that that's really a posibility anymore!! :p). I did 6 years in the ATC doing camps and survival weekends I can't wait to do this again... do we get rat packs? And do I need to bring my hunting knife and my SAS surival book? I haven't caught a rabbit/hare in ages! :D
No phone signal? ooh, that's going to make things a little tough for me as I need to be contactable just incase heaven forbid anything goes wrong with regards to either Megan or my childcare :(
No mobile phone signal sounds splendid to me - peace :cool:

My boss will have to look at the holiday rota to find out when I get back instead of pestering me with phone calls :rolleyes:

Stan :)
No Mobile Phones will be great! That just makes me look forward to this even more! :D

Just hope we don't get lost on the way there and need to call for help!
kell_ee001 said:
No Mobile Phones will be great! That just makes me look forward to this even more! :D

Just hope we don't get lost on the way there and need to call for help!

With my navigation skills?! Not blummin likely! ;)
Freefaller said:
Worse comes to the worse we can just climb a tree to make a phone call :p

LOL - well Murf can climb a tree and make a phone call.... I'll be watching from the safety of the low and steady ground thank you! :p
Okay you Welsh types (and anyone else who may know about these things):
I am currently trying to find a hotel, handy for Cardiff airport, for the 4th & 8th August.
After various online searches, the only available hotel I have come up with close to the airport is the 'Days Inn' (a bit basic but only £54.95 a night and handy for the airport).
If anyone 'in the know' has any better suggestions, please post on here or e-mail me before 20.00 tomorrow (I really want to get this booked ASAP: a) to ensure booking and b) so I can give Pigmo (Station)* as much time as possible to sort out the best route for transporting myself (picking up Haly on the way) to the venue).

Many thanks

Stan :)

*I have started thinking of Pigmo as Station - two formidable beings who merged to become one super being :)
Hmm, the only Hotel I know of that comes recommended in the area is The Big Sleep but it's a good 10 or so miles from the airport.

I don't go to Cardiff much so that's my "local knowledge" exhausted :p
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