The OcUK Summer BBQ Meet-Details

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chenko said:
Anymore space for another tent? :p

Doubt there are any convoys cutting cross country? (A44 - A40) Its not worth me getting onto the M5. Anyone want a lift give me a shout.

Wooooot !! ... We can have a Mini FTO Meet ! :D
Piggymon said:
Wooooot !! ... We can have a Mini FTO Meet ! :D

Who else is there?

Otacon. Basically if you are coming down the M5 from anywhere its probaly quicker to follow the motorway for most of the distance, it is further though but obviously faster. Even if I lived on the nearest motorway junction the distance is shorter for me from where I am now :p anyways, it will be a nice fast drive on the edge of the beacons for me :D
Mr. MB, do you have the exact location details as a latitude/longitude for those of us with posh sat nav units?

I don't do paper maps and haven't done so for about five years.

Grid ref:
Postcode district:
SA71 5xx (map centre)
51:38:15N (51.6376)
4:56:07W (-4.9352)

On the original map...
chenko said:
Woah calm down! How am I supposed to know!!!

I have no doubt that parking will be tight, we may have to improvise and anyone who can car share is recommended to do so.

I think we have room for 10-12 cars. When this was orignally planned there wasn't going to be a space problem because only a few people were going to stay at the house and the others at the campsite up the road but I have expanded the numbers to try and accomodate everyone and parking wasn't in the forefront of my mind.

We may have to come up with another solution, like finding a residential road in the town and putting a few of the cars there then ferry people back to the house.

I'm sorry about this its a bit of an oversight and I know how precious some of you guys are about your cars :(

Maybe we can negotiate some thing with the farmer who runs the campsite to see if we can pay to park there. There is also a layby up the road which is always empty but is in the middle of nowhere (don't know what the rules are about parking in laybys)

If people want to form a contingent and book places over there for camping too then thats OK. In fact I actively encourage it. The problem was that drawing a line before no would have ment just one or two people would have been left over there. If people will volenteer I will be very grateful, remember its just a couple of hundred meters. Please don't make ME make a cut :(

Apologies again

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For some really strange reason that I can't understand, I had this in my mind that it was north Wales. How odd.

Anyway, I just checked and it's a 336 mile trip.

Does that bother me?

Not in the slightest :)

chenko said:
More road more fun! :p

So you are limited for space?
I'm ok being in the campsite then, hardly much and I get to sleep with the car :p ;)


right we need some more volunteers, who wants to stay with Chenko at the campsite :).

Or even Chenko just call the campsite and ask if they would let you leave your car there (pretend your going hiking if you like and need somewhere to drop the car for a couple of days) :)

As you know all ready you will have complete access to the party area (its literally 100 yards away)

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Talk to me people or I'll get Otacon to email you all! :eek:

First, will someone phone the campsite and ask if they will let us park cars there?

Or will you sort yourselves into groups of who wants to camp at my parents place and who is willing to compromise and camp at the site?


I'd prefer to camp at your parents place mb, just incase anyone needs to get in touch with me, then I can give your parents phone number to my childcare.
Sorry I've really screwed this up


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