L - Sweet, tabletlike.
A - Saltier and more muted.
I actually got more of the salty sea spray from the nosing glass but I would agree that it's all more muted in the wider glass.
I also got a bit of peat in the wider glass and a hint of iodine/seaweed in the nosing glass.
L - Sharp, grassy. Got a fair bit of burn (it's only the first dram of the night, so that'll go down)
A - It does seem to taste different, after a fair old swirl. Peatier, I'd say and more hay likE rather than grass.
I have to say, I pretty much agree with your taste analysis. The nosing glass definitely gives a sharper, grassier taste while the whisky tumbler gives a much more rounded, hay-like taste and is a little sweeter.
There is a difference between the two glasses, no doubt from the amount of air that has touched the one in the Auchentoshan. I'm not sure that there is a great deal of difference in the taste, though the nose is pretty different. I think all this experiment has done has made me drink two drams very quickly...
All in all, I think there is a difference as well and, in this instance, I think I prefer the wider glass - both for nosing and tasting. I might have to try this with some different whiskies (not tonight, I have an earlyish flight tomorrow and hate traveling with a hangover). Maybe the nosing glass is giving a false impression.