I don’t want to sound like a broken record but no-one in their right mind should voluntarily be using ZTE equipment. They are genuinely operated and controlled by the Chinese Army and they routinely test positive for hidden back doors and vulnerable-by-design features.Did your speeds return to normal?
I have the same problem right now. ZTE MC501A, speeds went from ~800mbit to 70mbit. Connected to the same bands and signal strength is still good (-79).
edit: Just stood outside with a mobile and easily got 800mbit+... time to replace this router I think.
edit2: Nevermind, for some reason my firewall had switched the lan port to 100mbit.
Which does raise another question about upgrading to a 2.5gbit router... and associated LAN components.
In short they are absolutely what Huawei are accused of being except with ZTE it’s all true. ZTE were the first Chinese company banned by the U.S. as a danger to national security and they really are not a vendor whose equipment you want to pass any data through.