******** The Official amateur radio thread ********

Now, THAT'S what I call self isolating ;) I also heard a rumour that the chaps on the German Antarctic station Neumayer III (who have some amateurs amongst their numbers), are clamouring to do a second or even third stint on board the station, rather than go home to their countrymen right now :)

I put this together earlier, it's on my blog as well and I think it'll be on Southgate tomorrow :D

I put this together earlier, it's on my blog as well and I think it'll be on Southgate tomorrow :D


LOL. Or for those of us of a nervous disposition, operate Top Band and stay its one wavelength of 160M apart. Hypochondriacs should distance based on Low Frequency, 2200m, but communication is a challenge ;)

Practical Wireless 70MHz Contest
2013 Low Power Section Results

Full results of the 5th annual contest, held on 22nd September 2013.
See also the article published in January 2014 issue of Practical Wireless.

Pos Name Callsign Score QSOs Squs Sngl
Loc Ant. asl,m Tx/Rx
1 Alistair Mitchell M0BKQ/P 576 36 16 S IO84 5-ele LFA Yagi 950 Yaesu FT817 + Spectrum TVTR
2 Brian Jones 2W0HRO/P 468 36 13 S IO72 Moxon 9 Yaesu FT817 + TVTR
3 Chris Mortlock M1ABK/P 372 31 12 S IO92 Delta Loop on Fishing Pole 205 Elecraft KX3 with homebrew TVTR and 70MHz Delta loop on a fishing pole
4 Dave Keston G8FMC 300 25 12 S IO91 Home brew 4-ele moxon/Yagi 123 Elecraft K3 + OZ2M TVTR
5 David De Silva G7AGI 117 13 9 S IO81 4-ele OWL Yagi 69 Yaesu FT817 with Spectrum TRC2-4 TVTR
6 Bolton Wireless Club G0BWC/A 66 11 6 S IO83 Moxon Rectangle 113 Yaesu FT817 + ARAC TVTR.
7 Richard James Page G4KKR/P 45 9 5 S IO93 3 beam Yagi 135 Yaesu FT847
8 MW3DLA. GW6DGU MW3DLA 21 7 3 IO71 Half Wave Dipole -Home Brew 395 Wouxun KG-UV6DL 4m&2m Handie. Home made half wave dipole.
9 Malcolm Richardson M0GXZ 10 5 2 S IO92 3-ele Eagle in loft 95 Yaesu FT847 with tx & rx mods to improve 4m efficiency
10 Mike Smith M0MTJ 4 2 2 S IO82 Wire J-Pole 130 Wouxun KG-UV6DL

Checklogs gratefully received from:

Colin Redwood G6MXL/P IO81

won the low power, first time we entered. From the summit of helvellyn
From the summit of helvellyn
Nice, very nice. Back in the day, a group of us used to go to the summit of Beacon Hill in Powys for VHF and UHF contests. We'd convoy down in a load of cars and land rovers and as each car got stuck driving up, we'd use the landies to drag them up to the top.
Nice, very nice. Back in the day, a group of us used to go to the summit of Beacon Hill in Powys for VHF and UHF contests. We'd convoy down in a load of cars and land rovers and as each car got stuck driving up, we'd use the landies to drag them up to the top.

Sounds like a lot of fun that
Having loads of fun with the Hexbeam. Managed to work 40 dxcc in the contest without really trying, Reunion Isl on 15m was probably the most note worthy given conditions weren't great, I did managed to get US Virgin Isl, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Isreal, Cape Verde, Kuwait in too amongst a shed load of USA and Russians.

Tuesday seemed decent too, managed to work Barbados, Guadeloupe, Algeria and UAE in between working from home. I was sat listening to Indonesia for hours on 20m Tuesday lunch time but was working at the time so couldn't call. Also first time I've heard ZS in a long time too.

All of this was at about 20ft high, my Racal 12m is not heavy duty enough and was is just in a temp location in the garden guyed. I can't put it where the cobwebb was because it would hang over the neighbours garden.

So my I better start the piggy bank for a more heavy duty mast. I'd like a nice solid state amp too but crikey they are expensive!!!
Bought this from [my own store at] Redbubble. All proceeds are going to Age UK and other items such as t-shirts etc are available. Feel free to share with your other amateur radio friends.

Well you know where to get one from ;)

Just had a very nice natter for the best part of an hour with a local on 10m AM.

Will look tomorrow.

I got my uniden ubc125xlt programmed the other day. Got some HAM stuff in there inc repeaters. Been really cool listing.

I also today had a go at listing to AO-91 Satellite on 145.960, I missed the first one so 2nd pass was 25* elevation. Antenna wise I had a Watson 881, I was planning around garden and had it at an angle. Managed to get some chatter.

Last week I also picked up packets from the ISS.

Really starting to get the bug.

Have had a go at DIY dipole, works pretty good.
Hi guys didn't expect to see any ham stuff here.. Cool.... Introduction......... I am Tony M0MTD (ex M3TDC & 2E0TDC). Lived in Hull but now in Rotherham. Not active much these days due to a million & 1 illnesses and a booked room at the hospital hi. Gone from having some cracking gear to having crap gear, selling up-rebuying you all know how it is eBay and facebook are wonderful things (robbing you know what's).

I really only stumbled on this forum as I decided to scrap windows and turn to MAC. So it was a nice find. At the moment @Feek is helping me out a little with that side of things. (Thanks) I used to run a website full of everything from scanning frequencies, marine, military & civil aviation APT weather, NAVTEX AIS as i lived near the Humber so shipping was great fun, Planeplotter, Space Shuttle, satellites. Used to do loads of decoding using both hardware & software, done most of the digital modes i could go on for ever. Unfortunately the Gulf War (1990/91) saw me off as i was in RAF. and since around 1993 that's when i started with having some bad health issues.

I have seen the light on the other side a few times but something always brings me back to earth. So had a few strokes and heart attacks plus tons of other stuff and now a days the old grey matter struggles. But as we say in true British fashion keep a stiff upper lip.

Well sorry it was a bit of a mess and long winded as i can't think in the usual ways so i got to do things a step at a time. So sorry for getting carried away folks. If i can help anyone out i will try. Best 73's
Here's my bit of China / USA conspiracy theory for you all:

I am normally anything but a conspiracy theorist, but as an avid amateur radio buff, very interested in VLF and LF communications, I was amazed to see so much TACAMO activity a couple of days ago. Catching one VLF transmission is hard, seeing two at the same time, extremely rare, and seeing all three frequencies of 17.8,
22.7, and 27.2 kHz in use simultaneously is without precedent for me and everyone else I know who monitors these VLF signals. There are some serious messages being sent in real earnest at the moment..

What's TACAMO??

TACAMO is a United States military system of survivable communications links designed to be used in nuclear warfare to maintain communications between the decision-makers and the triad of strategic nuclear weapon delivery systems

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