I printed mine out ages ago, put them in the folder with my validation document and the next time I expect they'll see light of day is when my wife goes through all that stuff when I'm dead.
It's a paper exercise, complete waste of time and nobody will care about it. Many amateurs won't do it and from listening to the local repeaters, many foundation licence holders don't seem to think it applies to them because "I only run ten watts" totally not understanding that due to aerial gain, they're transmitting more than 6.1W ERP (10W EIRP) and therefore do need to complete it. That's ignoring the fact that most of them don't even stick to the 10W limit
[/grumpy old git]
It's a paper exercise, complete waste of time and nobody will care about it. Many amateurs won't do it and from listening to the local repeaters, many foundation licence holders don't seem to think it applies to them because "I only run ten watts" totally not understanding that due to aerial gain, they're transmitting more than 6.1W ERP (10W EIRP) and therefore do need to complete it. That's ignoring the fact that most of them don't even stick to the 10W limit
[/grumpy old git]