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Here are a few of my 1st attempts at DSO imaging while we are at it

The Veil Nebula. Was 45 x 50sec subs but have not been able to stack them all as yet as Nebulosity is throwing Exception Errors at me.

The Dumbell Nebula. This was only 8 x 40 sec subs.

The Whirlpool Galaxy. Can't remeber how many this one was...think it is 40 x 20s subs.

Am still yet to get my polar Alignment down, hence the streaking in the pictures. Also need to work on getting a guider up and running. In the process of modding a webcam, but that is proving to be a challenge...which I accept.

None of the above images have had any post processing done to them yet, have ony been stacked and slightly stretched in Nebulosity......

EDIT:- Am getting a feeling I have donethis before on here with my Whirlpool pic.......

Very nice :)

Yeah definitely work on the PA, then you'll be getting some pretty nice data! I managed 2 minute subs quite easily the other night to get the dumbbell, I don't think I'll go into guiding quite yet, my pockets aren't too deep :p
Hello chaps, I'm going to Devon in a few weeks and would like to take advantage of the darkness, I want some cheap binoculars for causal stargazing, can you recommend anything?
Hello chaps, I'm going to Devon in a few weeks and would like to take advantage of the darkness, I want some cheap binoculars for causal stargazing, can you recommend anything?

It depends how far you're willing to call casual :p

If you don't want to bother spending quite a bit of cash on a decent tripod then you'll have to stick to around 10x50 bins or below really.

Heard good things about these
So I've been having a little time with a robotic telescope. My first three images:

The Milky Way and M8:

Comet C/2014 E2 (Jacques):

The Moon:

Lots to learn about FITS, image processing, exposure times, filters and other bits and pieces!
One of my images again from a couple of weeks ago, trying out guiding on my setup for the 1st time. (in spoiler tags as it is a whopper)

Is a repeat of the Dumbell Nebula again, this time with 15 x 180s subs @ISO 200 with darks and bias added, no flats on this one hence the rather obvious vignetting. No post work done yet but reckon I will be going down the road of getting the Creative Cloud subscription for PS this evening.


Hoping to get out again this evening as forecast looks good for clear skies this evening. WIll try and push up to 10 min subs and am also going to trry using dithering in PHD2 and BYN
Was reading about that the other week....seems a good way for people to grab data and work on it if they don't have the kit themselves or want to use an obs based setup for some tragets that are more difficult to get or you just don't have a chance of seeing due to your location and surroundings.
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