Just picked up a EEE 900 just in time for the 901 to come out
Purchased the linux version as it had the larger storage and then installed XP with SP3 on to it with no problems.
My new EEE reminds me of my old Tosh Libretto 70CT
The only downside is that the unit contains 2 drives one 4GB and one 15GB this means that I have had to change some defaults to get XP onto the 4GB drive - this is what I have done
Change the location of "Program Files"
Keys: CommonFilesDir & ProgramFilesDir
Note I changed this directly after installation and I copied and left the original "c:\program files" location in tact. This is so I did not have to spend ages changing exisisting shortcuts and registry entries. All new programms will install to where ever e.g d:\program files.
Change the location of "My Documents"
Right click "my documets" and enter the new location e.g d:\mydocuments
Change the location of the page file
Note To change the location of the page file I had to set the size to 0 rather than clicking "no page file" for drive C: if you do not do this it will not turn off the page fille on c: it will re-enable on reboot.
Turn off "system restore"
Control panel/system/system restore.
or if you prefer reduce the size of disk space used on c I have set mine to 5%
Change the location of windows temp folders
Control panel/system/advanced/enviroment setteings
change Temp and TMP
e.g change to d:\temp
backup and then delete $Uninstall folders
from "c:\program files"
do not delete the $hf_mig$ folder.
change the location of IE temporary files
Internet options/general tab/browsing history