** The Official ASUS P5N-E SLI & Ultra 650i Thread **

so stick on Bios Revision 0401, Change the LDT multiplyer to 2x, and slowly keep upping the FSB?

Put NB Voltage to 1.5v, memory 1.92v & Vcore to 1.47v's?

That sound good guys? & if it locks what do i up?
so stick on Bios Revision 0401, Change the LDT multiplyer to 2x, and slowly keep upping the FSB?

Put NB Voltage to 1.5v, memory 1.92v & Vcore to 1.47v's?

That sound good guys? & if it locks what do i up?

There is no specific voltage you should set the Vcore at, I've told you what to do before. Up the fsb, leave the CPU voltage at stock, once you get to 2.8Ghz, try and load into Windows, if Windows loads, do an Orthos test for 30mins, if it holds, up the fsb abit more, now at some point, on stock voltages, you will run into stability problems (Locking up, BSOD'S (Blue Screen Of Death), random resets), possibly 3Ghz, and when you do, raise the voltage slightly, not bumping it right up to 1.47V, stock is 1.33V right? nump it up to 1.34V, then 1.35V.
So, I get a pencil? As in those you write on paper with? Then just draw a line on it once or twice? just applying a small amount of pressure?

And I do the second image right?

Are you sure this will be fine? I mean, pencil and a PC component, sounds like a disaster lol.

I used 2B pencil which was more than enough for the task. I applied 3 strokes and had to use rubber to wipe some off as it was overvolting my chip.

Apply some pressure with the strokes and just make sure the 2 ends of the transistor are connected.
I used 2B pencil which was more than enough for the task. I applied 3 strokes and had to use rubber to wipe some off as it was overvolting my chip.

Apply some pressure with the strokes and just make sure the 2 ends of the transistor are connected.

I rubbed it off, I decided, I'm fine at 3.4Ghz, 1.55V idle and 1.47V load, its 8 hours orthos stable, I got it to 1.47V idle and 1.46V load, I could not push my chip any further than 3.4 still, so no need to do it. Maybe if I come accross a 2B pencil and a magnifying glass I'll try it again :p
VCORE 1.35, NB auto, ...... 1334FSB ... in CPU Config all the options disabled like vitualization. LDT Frequncy x5.

didnt boot :O so had a play around.... decided to link my memory at a 3:2 ratio and then change the voltage of memory from 1.92 to 2.17v.

Now its on 3.0Ghz. I shall now do the Orthos test. Is my Vcore high at all? OR does it seem ok?
1.35V seems quite good :)

Try settingd the LDT Frequency to x2

Also leave the ram unlinked and dont overclock the ram for now, then ocne you get to you max stable overclock, then do the ram.
Excellent. Well im happy with 3.0Ghz... But what should i get GTX or Ultra and how much will i get for my GTS on the Bay of love?

GTS 320? around £150.

This should be discussed still in the other thread, but, if you can fine an Ultra at the price of a GTX, get ther Ultra, otherwise get a GTX.

Maybe you're happy with 3Ghz, but I would still push the chip to see what it's capable of and get some more performance out of it :)
oooooo.... just opened CS Source and Windows Live messenger at the same time and my PC just rest and came back straight on.... no error messages or anything. Temps are fine. Any ideas?

Just HDD throwing a wobbler?
oooooo.... just opened CS Source and Windows Live messenger at the same time and my PC just rest and came back straight on.... no error messages or anything. Temps are fine. Any ideas?

Just HDD throwing a wobbler?

Ummm, what's the ram at, I recommend keeping the ram at stock for now, once you find the max CPU overclock, then do the ram.

Slowely up the ram, then if you experience problems raise the voltage slightly and the timings.
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