** The Official ASUS P5N-E SLI & Ultra 650i Thread **

Is this ok for cooling the NB?
on this mobo theres no where i can change the FSB to match with the x9 multiplaier. so what voltage do i do to get 3.0Ghz and what FSB as as standard im at 1066mhz.

Raise the FSB to match the x9 multiplyer? you mean to get a 1:1 FSB:Dram ratio?

Keep raising your fsb, lower the LDT frequency to 2x, and Northbridge voltage to 1.5V or 1.7V, then keep raising fsb slowely and when you experience a reset, or crash, raise the FSB, use Orthos to test the CPU, if you get any errors or the PC resets or BSOD's raise the Voltage.

1333Mhz fsb will get you near 3Ghz, dont do it streight away tho.
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went from 1066 to 1100, then 1150, then 1200, then 1250..... and all was stable with an unlinked memory FSB and voltages on auto.

Then.... went to 1300 and it locks .... so i need to reset CMOS and start again....

Any ideas what i need to up to get from 1250 -> 1300 FSB?
went from 1066 to 1100, then 1150, then 1200, then 1250..... and all was stable with an unlinked memory FSB and voltages on auto.

Then.... went to 1300 and it locks .... so i need to reset CMOS and start again....

Any ideas what i need to up to get from 1250 -> 1300 FSB?

You tried increasing the voltage of the NB? to 1.5V?
My FSB is 1943 (giving 3.4ghz with a x 7 multi) and my RAM is unlinked at 940. Ive not found unlinking the RAM to cause any performance issues personally.
If you didnt know, the figure you input into the bios is the required speed divided by the multi x 4 (quad pumped). IE 3.4ghz divided by 7 multi = 485 x 4 = 1943 inputed in the bios.

And yes you need to raise the NB volts to 1.5V minimum.
My FSB is 1943 (giving 3.4ghz with a x 7 multi) and my RAM is unlinked at 940. Ive not found unlinking the RAM to cause any performance issues personally.
If you didnt know, the figure you input into the bios is the required speed divided by the multi x 4 (quad pumped). IE 3.4ghz divided by 7 multi = 485 x 4 = 1943 inputed in the bios.

And yes you need to raise the NB volts to 1.5V minimum.

How you manage 1943fsb, anything above 1700 for me and PC wont boot or windows will keep loading forever, tried going over 1800, nothing......... :(
so i need to up the NB voltage only? i left all voltages on AUTO...

im on the latest BIOS... which is the best for overclocking?

only use the latest if you need 1333fsb support.
Dont use Auto volts as the fluctuation kills stability.
Mem Volts to whatever is recomended for the brand.
NB to 1.5 (or 1.7 if its actively cooled)
CPU volts dendent on cooling.
Go from stock volts and raise the FSB by 48 and test, keep doing this until you lose stability then raise the CPU Voltage a notch and test again, keep going until you reach the limit of your Mobo, cooling or Cpu.
what Vcore and NB Voltage?

1.5V + for the NB and for the Vcore, whatever it takes for the CPU to be stable, start at a low Vcore, if the PC resets, crashes or BSOD's then up the voltage abit untill it is stable, run ORTHOS to test for stability, try aim for your 3Ghz first, then do an 8 hours orthos test, well what I would do is test it in orthos for 30 mins, then raise it to say 3.2, test for 30 mins, then 3.4, test for 30 mins and keep going higher, if it survies for 30 mins at say 3.6, then do an 8 hours orthos test, if anything happens like I said above, then lower the frequency abit of even raise Vcore more, 1.55V is about the safe limit for CPU on air btw, I have mine at 1.57 which ends up been 1.47V at load.
1.5V + for the NB and for the Vcore, whatever it takes for the CPU to be stable, start at a low Vcore, if the PC resets, crashes or BSOD's then up the voltage abit untill it is stable, run ORTHOS to test for stability, try aim for your 3Ghz first, then do an 8 hours orthos test, well what I would do is test it in orthos for 30 mins, then raise it to say 3.2, test for 30 mins, then 3.4, test for 30 mins and keep going higher, if it survies for 30 mins at say 3.6, then do an 8 hours orthos test, if anything happens like I said above, then lower the frequency abit of even raise Vcore more, 1.55V is about the safe limit for CPU on air btw, I have mine at 1.57 which ends up been 1.47V at load.

You got that in before i could:cool:. The pencil mod should get rid of that V Droop, my 1.6V set in the Bios gives me no noticable droop (shown as 1.6v in speedfan.
Btw your bios version should allow for a higher than 1700 fsb:confused:
You got that in before i could:cool:. The pencil mod should get rid of that V Droop, my 1.6V set in the Bios gives me no noticable droop (shown as 1.6v in speedfan.
Btw your bios version should allow for a higher than 1700 fsb:confused:

I thought so too, but it dont, havent a clue why :s

Is the pencil mod easy? I think I found a guide once on it, I could not understand it.

See if I could get rid of Vdroop, I might be able to achive 3.5-3.6Ghz :D.
I thought so too, but it dont, havent a clue why :s

Is the pencil mod easy? I think I found a guide once on it, I could not understand it.

See if I could get rid of Vdroop, I might be able to achive 3.5-3.6Ghz :D.

Its dead easy as long as you arnt blind, rub a pencil a few times across a contact, plenty of people have got 3.6 with a 6600, maybe there is something else in the Bios thats holding you back.
To be honest, on the 0703 bios i was stuck at 3ghz and i didnt realy notice a performance drop and now im back at 3.4 i cant see a performance boost, Super pi is a second faster but thats it.
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