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*** The Official ATI Radeon HD 6970 & 6950 Reviews, Discussion and Overclocking Thread ***

just got home from work to read the reviews of this complete failure of a card.

I almost feel sorry to the early adopters who purchased last night before actual reviews were released, but I would be lying as its their own fault for not waiting a few hours to see what the score was.

Hyperbole much?
Krugga any chance of fitting a 5850 comparison in your chart, or are the results with the 6870 to similar?

As Helios has pointed out, there really isn't much difference between the two. Same goes for anyone with a 4870x2, it's almost on pair with a 5870. I can include more comparisons between the existing cards in the spreadsheet.
The impression I'm getting from reviews is that unless you play a lot of hawx or far cry then the 6970 is a better buy than the 570, however it isn't really very definitive and IMO the 6970 could do with a price reduction (which I think may come in the next month or two due to the excess of cards available right now).

However over clocking is still somewhat of an unknown with these cards due to lack of software support. Personally I'd like to see a way to completely remove the powertune limits, since I think it could potentially play havoc with large over clocks with increased voltages and water cooling. On a more positive note with the small increase in clocks that reviewers have managed so far they seem to scale linearly with clock speed increase, so if these can clock like 6870s and reach 1100mhz or so it would make them much more desirable.
You can also run more screens with the one card, which does matter to some people.

How is the card a failure?

I think, its a good improvment on the previous series.

Better noise management, power management, increase in frames, all for a price that is under where the 5850 and 5870 where at launch.

Win win.


I can see why people with massive upgraditis might be throwing a wobbler, but if you were a 480 owner then there wasn't a huge need to upgrade to a 580 and the same feels true for the 69xxs compared to the 58xxs. People's money is theirs to spend, but for me I'd be looking at waiting a year,maybe even two for upgrades and that would surely be dependant on if new software was causing the card(s) to struggle. I realise updating to the the latest and greatest every few months is a hobby to some though.
I guess the 580 is classed as vapourware because demand outsrips supply at it's current price. It looks unlikely that 6900 will have the same problems.
Well I reckon that the 6950 is a blinding card for the money, it must be 'cos I bought one:D, nice and cheap (£220 all in) better than the o/b graphics that I've been putting up with for the past two weeks, so "for me personally" this round of ati card releases is hardly a fail then is it?
I was actually right, I just got handed miss information about what cards were benched..

No, the statement you made was entirely incorrect - whether you were misinformed or not.

I don't think this would have mattered so much if it weren't for your transparent backpedalling and bum covering after the fact.

I shan't mention it again because it is a byegone, but I think some humility from you wouldn't go amiss.
Well I reckon that the 6950 is a blinding card for the money, it must be 'cos I bought one:D, nice and cheap (£220 all in) better than the o/b graphics that I've been putting up with for the past two weeks, so "for me personally" this round of ati card releases is hardly a fail then is it?

Yeah you got a great card, when we get some software that will allow voltage control you could be looking at 580 performance.
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