*** The Official Battlefield 2042 thread***

I am all for a BR mode, if you don't like it you can easily avoid it.

Firestorm was great, should have been the regular devs who did it though as I think they outsourced it to Criterion? Should have released alongside BFV too not as late as it did.

For all it's faults though BFV was still very enjoyable for me, spent a ridiculous amount of hours on there and have since recently returned after a few months out.
Honestly a squad with comms and some decent players can utterly dominate a server. We certainly made quite a few people rage quit when we had 5-8 people in two different squads on BF4.

Found a video the other day on an old HDD, I don't even remember it, squaded up with Snips86X, Hazard and Valiant from here on Hainan holding the hotel against wave after wave of players LOL.
i think it will also be maybe 2142 . modern future tech no one else really doing this. upto date would kinda fit in. tbh i dont care what its called is as long as its great.
More Dice console orientated simpleton trash. BF2, best there was and will ever be.
Someone needs to remaster BF2 with RTX, anticheat and cross platform play. Let Psygnosis, Team 17 and Gremlin unite and do it :)

I have a feeling this new futuristic COD will be dump
Meh futuristic = me no likey.

Doubt they’ll do anything about the rampant cheating either.
If it is based in 2042 there will still be a great deal of the things the US Army is using now or that they have in development. The F35 will likely still be in use. The F22 is, apparently, going to be phased out in the next 20 years if some articles are to be believed. Much of the weapons will be similar. There isn't going to be laser guns or Plasma Rifles in the 40W range or jump packs like in the future CoD games or Crysis. I suppose there could be a rail gun on a ship if they have naval combat or a fixed emplacement within a base or something but much of what's in use now will still be in use then. Think back to 2003, much of what was used in the second Gulf War/invasion of Iraq (sorry, liberation of Iraq!;)) is still in use today. Sure some things have been retired such as the Tornado but even then they were half way through their life cycle and were only retired a few years ago.
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