*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

I was getting crashes with no error, game would just close out in BF1.
My fix was to slacken the memory timings.

Was then fine in BF1, and no crashes in BFV.

Thanks I’ll possibly try this out then as 1080p was fine but a bit of a pain playing that res on a 1440p Monitor
i was wrong with pubg but that was mainly based on the bugs i had when i started playing it. there wasnt many bugs in this and had great performance. the problem is its just **** . it will be another hardline or failed moh game. 2 months dead. go back to bf4/bf1 for the rest.

Quoted so I can looking back on it in 2 months, I think it will be fine. The very fact you're saying go back to BF1 speaks volumes as that was he trashest of the series and was dead inside 6 months.
It's funny how rose tinted glasses affect people. The PC community hated bad company 2 when it came out and battlefield 3 got a hammering. Yet, today they are considered up there as a "benchmark" for the battlefield series.

Graphics are excellent, I agree there is a slight blur but hardly deal breaking.

Also vehicles, people forget that in order to defeat a dominating vehicle it's REQUIRED to use team work. When 1 man can go toe to toe with a tiger or Churchill then what the hell is even the point of getting in a tank??!
The vehicle domination was the same in BF3/4/1 though. They require specific classes and weapons to defeat and rather than adapt or change class people just moan about how strong the vehicles are.
Quoted so I can looking back on it in 2 months, I think it will be fine. The very fact you're saying go back to BF1 speaks volumes as that was he trashest of the series and was dead inside 6 months.

i stated bf1 to show you that. bf1 was boring too easy vehicle whoring skilless. by saying bf1 is better should speak volumes. you just didnt notice what i meant. :p

basically bfbc2 is the best then bf4 then bf3 then bf1. in recent times. this game is like moh 2010 and hardline. it will be dead soon as the maps are dire.

ive seen some on here saying its better than bf4 for eg. what are they smoking seriously :D

Misschief the vehicle balance plays a massive part in general peoples fun. its not been balanced with infantry since bfbc2. bf3 it was jets and tards just smashing 100-0 and lavs and the like. bf4 tank heli tards similar thing. bf1 small tanks sitting off spawns smashing high scores or planes and the blimps. yet you see most of them as infy are terrible or subpar.

in this you can take tank do just same as in bf1 and small tanks just sit off spam kill kill kill oh look im amazing getting 40-0 yet watch that same player as infy try and do that ;) .

you have to remember 95 percent of people are infantry. not in vehicles. thats how bfbc2 got this right. why cater to make vehicles so easy to get high kills . you should cater more towards infantry if most playing are infantry. makes no sense. incoming videos of 50 killstreaks spawn camping saying you have no idea dg :p . do it on foot then im impressed. not sitting spamming spawning noobs lol.
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i stated bf1 to show you that. bf1 was boring too easy vehicle whoring skilless. by saying bf1 is better should speak volumes. you just didnt notice what i meant. :p

basically bfbc2 is the best then bf4 then bf3 then bf1. in recent times. this game is like moh 2010 and hardline. it will be dead soon as the maps are dire.

ive seen some on here saying its better than bf4 for eg. what are they smoking seriously :D
You're completely missing the words 'in my opinion' throughout everything you've written in the past few pages. Fine, you don't like it but you're implying others don't or shouldn't. I've had a lot of fun with it last night.
Quoted so I can looking back on it in 2 months, I think it will be fine. The very fact you're saying go back to BF1 speaks volumes as that was he trashest of the series and was dead inside 6 months.

Yup funny as **** that! :D

Never seen so much trash spouted before.

It's funny how rose tinted glasses affect people. The PC community hated bad company 2 when it came out and battlefield 3 got a hammering. Yet, today they are considered up there as a "benchmark" for the battlefield series.

Graphics are excellent, I agree there is a slight blur but hardly deal breaking.

Also vehicles, people forget that in order to defeat a dominating vehicle it's REQUIRED to use team work. When 1 man can go toe to toe with a tiger or Churchill then what the hell is even the point of getting in a tank??!

A lot of bf 3 mechanics held it back big time i.e. blue dull lifeless filter and suppression, aircraft domination and so on but the main thing is....... it was "fun", bf 4 was bf 3 done right.

I never had any complaints with bc 2, well except for the spotting which is why I stuck to hardcore mode.

Can't say I've noticed any blur either, game looks lovely and sharp to me.

Game sure as hell is not perfect and nowhere near bf 4 but it a damn sight better than **** field 1
You're completely missing the words 'in my opinion' throughout everything you've written in the past few pages. Fine, you don't like it but you're implying others don't or shouldn't. I've had a lot of fun with it last night.

if you enjoy have fun ! we all like different games. thats the internets for you. im not implying anything. if you like it like it. it just doesnt entertain me. i suggest people do trials before buying. i really want a great battlefield game again. i didnt think this would be great but i gave it a chance a try. its a shame its just not as good as previous ones.

nexus TXAA you cant turn off it makes the game look misty or blurry. lowest you can set it is low. not off. they need to change that.
nexus TXAA you cant turn off it makes the game look misty or blurry. lowest you can set it is low. not off. they need to change that.

Mine is on low and game still looks fine to me (even when I set everything to low/off)

If you want to see what blur looks like, go fire up RDR 2 on the pro in 4k mode.....
if you enjoy have fun ! we all like different games. thats the internets for you. im not implying anything. if you like it like it. it just doesnt entertain me. i suggest people do trials before buying. i really want a great battlefield game again. i didnt think this would be great but i gave it a chance a try. its a shame its just not as good as previous ones.

nexus TXAA you cant turn off it makes the game look misty or blurry. lowest you can set it is low. not off. they need to change that.

You can reshade it and it removes TXAA.
Running the 980ti @ 4k ultra, Gsync on, very impressed getting 44fps , need to tweak things down to get to 60fps but aint got a sodding clue what to turn down with the all new jargon settings. On bf1 i managed to get to 60 fps in ultra but had to turn some settings right down like the AA for instance, the problem on BFV some settings do not seem to be altering the fps .

Wish someone could say yeah turn that on that on and that off and that on :)
Running the 980ti @ 4k ultra, Gsync on, very impressed getting 44fps , need to tweak things down to get to 60fps but aint got a sodding clue what to turn down with the all new jargon settings. On bf1 i managed to get to 60 fps in ultra but had to turn some settings right down like the AA for instance, the problem on BFV some settings do not seem to be altering the fps .

Wish someone could say yeah turn that on that on and that off and that on :)
This was from a while ago (beta) and relevant to 1080 but it may be some use.
Played for a few hours now, a few niggles and annoyances.
  • I thought the console style menu/UI was bad in BF1, even worse now. Messy, is a good word to describe everything outside of the gameplay (menus and UI). It could be simplified.
  • Weapon customisations are a little unclear. For instance, for some reason they decided make the "class" of the attached big and bold (e.g. 'STANDARD') and leave the name of the attachement (e.g. 'medium range scope') small. It should be the other way around. Odd decision.
  • V1 Rocket might get old, fast.
  • Bug when going into assignments between rounds, have to Alt-F4 and go back in the game to get rid of the "ghost" overlay.
  • Screen seems more cluttered, though i've scaled the hud better, but would love to have the option to push it all further to the edge of the screen, out of the way.
  • A few buggy things in game, not being able to climb out of water sometimes and floating upwards when waiting to be revived.
  • Hate the squad system.

Will use my 10 hour trial fully before deciding.
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Haven't tried DX12 yet but at 1080P I am getting a solid 60FPS with no slowdown with all settings at Ultra. I5 6600K @ 4.5ghz, 16GB ram and RX480 Nitro 8GB with a mild overclock. I am impressed with the performance and seems a lot better than BF1. As for the game it feels a lot like BF1 with BF3 weapon recoil. Too early to judge but the small map count isn't the greatest and the super fast TTK will need getting used to. I was very much a rambo player in BF1 so will need to adjust to BF3/4 level of movement again.
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