suprise suprise another bug
The splash damage on some tank shells does seem weird, there's times you can hit a few feet away from someone and it does no damage. Not sure if its down to the round used or possibly some geometry on the map that's stopping the damage from being transferred to the enemy. Already found a couple of spots on some maps where you can basically disappear into a clump of rocks as infantry.
What??? come again
Get a gun in BFV, aim at the same point on a wall and tap fire, every bullet will go exactly where the dot is. Do the same in bf1 you'll see 1 bullet hit where you are aiming and the rest will be spread all around the cone.
Skill players will control the recoil in BFV, the cream will rise to the top in every firefight yet in Bf1 it's luck of the draw or who can hold down the mouse button the longest to finally get the bullets going more on target.
Some? I shot like 20 dudes with tank shells and like 1 infantry took damage.
After following his channel for a few months he has a big trend of hating on everything AAA and loving Indy games and budget RTS's, he does come out with some funny things from time to time but I would never buy a game off his review good or bad.
The 1907 is a monster, rip's through people up close and take a knee at range with tap fire for some nice kills as well, best weapon so far for assault and I've only got one left to unlock, hope they don't nerf it.
BF3 came out like 5 minutes ago, i can understand wanting remasters or remakes of a game but bf3? MOH:AA is something i'd love to see a remake of seeing as it's 16 years old now.
Be great if the hitch mechanic would work properly instead of glitching out where it looks on your screen the truck and gun is being propelled thousands of feet into the air, yet to casual observers you're just stuck still, that's the only real annoying bug I've come across that could be considered game breaking