*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

Dipped into some TDM today and every game could have been swayed if people bothered to revive others, even when walking over them to get somewhere else..
Dipped into some TDM today and every game could have been swayed if people bothered to revive others, even when walking over them to get somewhere else..

Yes, that's extremely annoying isn't it!

I'm enjoying this though, I just wish people would work as squads more, there's too much lone soldiering. I always seem to come up against the actual SAS, whereas my team run around on their own.

If anyone fancies a game, add me on Origin - Worthy82. I'm only playing domination or TDM though.
I've put about 6 hours into this and sadly now regretting buying it. When everything works its definitely fun and the gunplay is very similar to BF3 which was easily my favourite in the franchise. Things I've noticed in no particular order:

- Huge variation of server performance with some servers every one you aim at basically dies and you end up with a silly score whilst others you literally shoot through people, enemies are frozen in place like some sort of duke nukem decoy and there's rubber banding. Seems like 80% of my games are fine with the 20% being complete trash
- Grand conquest game breaking bugs!!!!! Bombs literally despawning and never spawning again for the entire match so you lose if you're attacking even if you were dominating the other team. Had this happen twice now
- Damage to bombers is pathetic. Seriously, BOOST THE DAMAGE OF AA TO BOMBERS!!!! Stationary AA is completely useless against a bomber and you'll down a fighter if you're very lucky as most of them are blocked by terrain.
- Invisible wall rubbish around entities - This one genuinely winds me up. I've tried to fire from being multiple objects now such as destroyed tanks, fortifications etc and there's always a hit reg issue with some sort of invisible wall which the bullet hits instead. The enemy can return fire though so you're literally just a target in this situation! Easily reproducible and complete crap.
- Tank round damage on infantry is the most pathetic thing I've ever seen in a game. Hit a guy directly in the face with a tiger shell? 80 damage.... Splash damage is even worse! This is a complete joke and needs hot fixing.
- Medic weaponry is complete trash until late level unlocks it seems. I know they are designed for closer combat but they aren't even good at that seen as any support will completely mince you in a 1v1.
- frag grenade damage - complete joke just like tank rounds. Won't actually kill anyone unless they pick it up and cram it into their rear end.
- Damage to bombers is pathetic. Seriously, BOOST THE DAMAGE OF AA TO BOMBERS!!!! Stationary AA is completely useless against a bomber and you'll down a fighter if you're very lucky as most of them are blocked by terrain.

From the videos I've seen a lot of people fire far too early (though not sure if its bugged or other issues or gameplay mechanics) the players that get it right do some serious damage to bombers but the window of opportunity is pretty small. (And a good chance if the bomber pilot is any good you'll get the kill but be unable to escape his bomb(s) anyhow).
From the videos I've seen a lot of people fire far too early (though not sure if its bugged or other issues or gameplay mechanics) the players that get it right do some serious damage to bombers but the window of opportunity is pretty small. (And a good chance if the bomber pilot is any good you'll get the kill but be unable to escape his bomb(s) anyhow).

Ive connected every single shot to a passing bomber on my last game and did just over 60 damage before the weapon overheated. Even with the support perk to make the stationary guns fire for longer before overheating, I highly doubt I'd manage to down one in 1 passing. Definitely needs some balancing in my opinion.
Ive connected every single shot to a passing bomber on my last game and did just over 60 damage before the weapon overheated. Even with the support perk to make the stationary guns fire for longer before overheating, I highly doubt I'd manage to down one in 1 passing. Definitely needs some balancing in my opinion.

The AA seems to be more about forcing aircraft away from an area than actually killing them to allow infantry/ground play (though against a good bomber pilot that doesn't seem to quite work out) but pretty boring role for someone to play if they aren't getting kills, etc. from it - always a tricky one to balance in a game like that between having air assets too powerful or too niche gameplay.
The AA seems to be more about forcing aircraft away from an area than actually killing them to allow infantry/ground play (though against a good bomber pilot that doesn't seem to quite work out) but pretty boring role for someone to play if they aren't getting kills, etc. from it - always a tricky one to balance in a game like that between having air assets too powerful or too niche gameplay.

But there's nothing stopping the bomber pilot from just dropping a payload straight onto the AA turret with you sat in it and you literally can't defend yourself. Because you can't down a full health bomber, you're basically a free kill.
One thing missing for me is some bullet penetration.

If someone is hiding behind a sheet of metal (like the stairs above A flag on devastation) certain weapons should be able to shoot through the metal.

You should be able to shoot through wood etc...

The amount of bullet penetration should be gun dependant / surface dependant.

It's definitely something missing.

I remember when bullet penetration came to COD4 MW as a perk. It was awesome.
One thing missing for me is some bullet penetration.

If someone is hiding behind a sheet of metal (like the stairs above A flag on devastation) certain weapons should be able to shoot through the metal.

You should be able to shoot through wood etc...

The amount of bullet penetration should be gun dependant / surface dependant.

It's definitely something missing.

I remember when bullet penetration came to COD4 MW as a perk. It was awesome.

Mate there is bullet penetration. The bigger MGs can shoot through stuff. Watch some jackfrags, westie or levelcap videos for info
There is bullet penetration but it needs work IMO.

A bren should be able to fire through a wooden cabin wall for instance, yet I haven’t yet found any evidence that it does on the hanger map.
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