*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

This is what happens when you let hipsters 'design' games. :rolleyes:

I think it’ll have more to do with EA trying to make money. Every generation has it’s hipsters, indie kids, punks, goths whatever. When I went to the DICE office while they were working on BF1 most people seemed to be head down working hard. And the guys that writes the stories were well into their 30s, veterans of writing stories for games.

Having said that, DICE’s version of slavery would somehow be the story of some white woman etc etc.
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I wonder how many of the team that made Bf1942 are still actually at dice? I know Lars Gustavsson was one. Besides that i doubt many others.
This is what happens when you let hipsters 'design' games. :rolleyes:

I would say it is more to do with corporate management not having any idea how to sell a game and making rash decisions. I would say this U turn will do more to help the game and restore faith in the developers rather than anything else. Getting bored of just playing conquest so is good enough for me.
When you say 2600 which cpu do you mean? Not i7 2600 :) I'm presuming Ryzen 2600 which is actually what I was looking at, don't really want to be spending a fortune so would be looking at a pretty budget matx board (don't want full atx) i'll probably donate my ram and get some new ddr4 myself, any recommendations on a cheapish matx board?

Yep I meant the R5 2600. you could try to find a socket 1155 i7 / xeon as the 8 thread may help a bit. I may help for now but will on be a temp solution.

Have you overclocked your Ryzen 1700 ?

Most will hit 3.7Ghz on all cores easily and then after that its a bit of luck how far you can go if you want to. The other thing is to get your RAM running at 3200c14 if you can as this helps with performance but not so much with BF games.

I already have, Bf1 / 5 are super smooth with a 980ti. Much better than my old 3570k @ 4.4GHz
Haven't played BFV in a week. Have the reverted the pea-shooters yet?

I wonder how many of the team that made Bf1942 are still actually at dice? I know Lars Gustavsson was one. Besides that i doubt many others.

Glorious game. Loved being the Commander on the Titan.

BF4 was the beginning. BF3 was the last dice title. Spawning in vehicles was the beginning of lameness.

Disagree. You used to get like 4 people jumping around the vehicle spawn points waiting to steal it. It was damn annoying! Now people either spawn straight in the vehicle or go infantry and don't sit dicking around idle.
Perhaps if they didn't just drop it on everyone with some BS excuse about it being to help new players and that the game attrition was maybe due to TTK perhaps some would've given it a chance.

I gave it a chance by playing a few rounds, it sucked, TTK1 was much more fun to play.
There was nothing wrong with TTK hence the revert, the issue has been TTD in that the 'feedback and registration' of bullets has been massively off that people think they have been one hit killed by a peashooter medic smg when in reality other players have unloaded a full clip. Plenty of examples on reddit, if they can sort that at least some of the new player frustration would likely fall away.

My main issue is map design and maps in general. There are some pretty good maps such that conquest doesn't feel like a merry go round of capping and losing flags (Arras, Twisted Steel, Panzer Storm), some maps that I have a love/hate relationship with (Aerodrome, Narvik) and some maps that IMO are too small in terms of flag spread and should not be in conquest rotation (Devastation, Rotterdam). There are two maps that I would absolutely take out and that's Fjell which is a combination of choke points and bomb span and Hamada which is too flat and as such encourages sniper camping.

More maps like Arras/TS and Panzer and I'd be a happy camper.
Maps not loading, maps loading but having a blank screen with the overlay but no map, dying then no respawn UI, quit screen loading times, infinite map reload, not being able to change assignments in game, TTD, company coin at level 50, TOW tracking glitches etc are all more likely to impact attrition than the TTK.

Too many frustrating UX issues with the game, they shouldn't have even been looking at TTK.
I think my worst map is Narvik. Just seems to be one of those that I'm often shot from a completely different place than where I am actually going. It used to be Fjell but after I started using the drilling I do have fun :D

Hamada could be better if they got rid of the conquest assault part of it and moved F and G closed to C and D. Still needs other tweaks but could be decent.

Arras is probably my favourite, twisted steel can be good. Aerodrome I like flanking on rather than getting stuck in the meat grinder that is C. Rotterdam and Devastation I didn't like too much but now find I enjoy them a lot more. Devastation especially if I avoid the C meat grinder there also.

Panzerstorm is ok but feels very lazy. Why the exact same church as Arras and why no buildings randomly placed between objectives?!
Glorious game. Loved being the Commander on the Titan.

Not in bf1942 you didn't :p

Was never a big fan of that game, the titan mode was good on paper but when they moved everyone inside was slung around all over the place a lot. Almost reminded me of playing in a really laggy server sometimes.
Not in bf1942 you didn't :p

Was never a big fan of that game, the titan mode was good on paper but when they moved everyone inside was slung around all over the place a lot. Almost reminded me of playing in a really laggy server sometimes.

I definitely read that as 2142! :( lol!

Yeah inside the Titan was laggy as balls, but doable. It really depended on both client and server running well.
Does anyone else just find this game boring?

I keep jumping back on it when i get a chance but rather than loosing myself like i used to in bf4 for example and the time flying, i find that after 30 mins max im bored and sorta dissapointed.
Okay the TTK chance back to release is a nice change. Finally managed to get the helmet after getting the V1 kills to actually count. Assault on this is easily the best class imo. The later weapons really make the KD scores inflated and the ability to take most vehicles out unassisted is rather tasty. I'm still getting use to the PIAT. I think its damage vs tanks should be increased even if it means reducing the range. A tiger takes a silly amount of rockets to down and its impossible to solo or even duo when fully upgraded.

For me, this game needs to concentrate more on getting rid of the most annoying bugs than releasing new maps and content. The boxes need redesigning to auto distribute to anyone in range like BF3 and also shouldn't fall through the floor. Also shooting over objects needs really looking at due to invisible wall rubbish. The netcode is my biggest gripe as I can work around most of the other bugs not that I know they are there, yet single frame kills, shot around corners and behind cover etc needs to just stop.
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