*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

HATE that ray tracing is in dx12, its glitchy as hell on my system and when using the ray tracing setting the game always crashes, apart from that and the occasional bug im still enjoying this game
Not bad per say, just an extreme lack of content.

I was trying this on origin premium and was liking the game but after cancelling premium I'm going to wait a while until purchasing the game as there isn't enough content for the time being.
It was exactly the same with BF1, enjoyed the game till Christmas then get bored due the lack of content.
Meh to this game tbh, some of the design decisions are just mind boggling.......

As shosho said, they have removed everything that made BF fun in the first place.

For them to make this game good and fun again, they would have to go against everything they set out to do, which as we know with previous games, they didn't......

Think I might just re-install bf 3 or/and 4 and make do with them from here on out until DICE can make a good game again.

DICE need to learn the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" motto.
DICE need to learn the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" motto.

Likely EA forcing them to jump on the casual bandwagon after seeing how popular PUBG and Fortnite are. But I agree, they had a decent formula that they could have applied to WW1 and WW2, but ****** it up.
I am really enjoying the game but definitely think the gripes are justified. I still cant believe there is no wake island map for instance. I remember that demo on consoles several years back, with just that map it was played loads!

I would like to find some more people to play with though, so if anyone wants a game just add me on origin or send me a message on the discord group.
Origin - kruxxie
Discord - kruxxie
I also miss the platoon system. Was great to just browse and jump in a game full of other platoon members. Now I just shout about at randoms through my mic!

The platoon system is in bfV, same platoon system as bf1. It breaks when more than 3 people try to join you though as it tried to get you all in the same squad.
Seems lightning strike is bringing in a stug tank destroyer and presumably an allied counterpart. Drip feeding vehicles into the game.
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