*** The Official Battlefield 5 thread***

Can't find the platoon thread. Can someone post a link here. I applied to join the unofficial platoon in game but is says i need to post on the forums. Can't find the thread though...
Until the following is fixed/added/improved, I am done with BF 5:

- crutch mechanic with the tickets (what is the ******* point of playing this game with that stupid crutch?! Complete and utter game killer for me)

- better hit feedback/kill cam
- insta frame death issue
- visibility issues, especially with regards to the cheese tactic that are bipod warriors pretending to be dead, seen so many casuals who just spend an entire round prone outside the burn area, did this myself the other day, essentially easy mode for kills
- speed up or remove the pointless animations, I don't want to have a 5 second animation for everything I do.....
- more and better maps (these are probably the worst maps in a BF game to date, I actually alt f4 when that big open farm map comes up now)
- more weapons
- add team switch back
- increase squad to 5 player

Last 2 points just shows how they are catering for the COD lone wolves now.... Surprised we didn't get SWBF 2 squad system tbh :o

BF 1 was skill-less as **** but at least it was somewhat "fun". BF 5 has way more potential than bf 1 though so here's hoping........

Time for some bf 3 and 4 :cool:
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The Americans arriving late to the game? Who said EA DICE can't into historical accuracy?

So they will turn up in 2 and a bit years time and proclaim that it was solely them that won at the end of each game.

Still, I would like to see just how badly DICE can do an american accent
Came across my first obvious cheater today, on one of the winter maps where you spawn as a paratrooper. No. 1 enemy has 87 kills no deaths, nobody on our side had any kills as you instantly died when exiting the aircraft. I quit as soon as it happened to me but I just don't get the attitude, I play games to have fun and try to win. How can one sitting people, involving 0 skill be any fun? Maybe it's just somebody whose weakwilled, even his own team were getting ****** off at him.
Well, it seems a sizeable machine upgrade has resolved all of my crashing issues in this game and it's now pretty much rock solid. I'm still enjoying it FWIW, more so with a decent squad.
Is anyone having major lag and crashing issues with BF V? I've had my new computer about a week and it was running flawless when I first installed the game, however I'm about 8 hours in of game time and when I went to play this evening the game is lagging very badly even on inital start up when in the main menu. I manage to join a server and it's completely unplayable, I changed all my settings from Ultra to low and this made no difference. Also when you then try to quit the game the machine freezes and I have to pull the plug to restart.

I'm running an i9 9900k, Evga Geforce RTX 2080 and 32GB ram, it was all working absolutely fine so I'm at a total loss as to what is causing this issue. I haven't changed GPU driver and I'm on the latest version.

Other games don't appear to be affected, I've been on Sim City and X-plane 11 and they were fine.

I've tried clearing the Origin cache, and uninstalled and re-installed the game but it's the same. Can anyone help? :(
Refer to bf2\bc2\bf3\bfh\bf4\bf1

Some of those can be bad. But the BFV voices are bad, really bad, they are worse than most poor american comedy impression of British accents.

I would pay real money to be able to customise voice sound files. My US squad would be Cleveland, Joe, Quagmire and Peter.

That would be one of the more acceptable cosmetics they could sell
="tom01, post: 32428054, member: 131925"]Is anyone having major lag and crashing issues with BF V? I've had my new computer about a week and it was running flawless when I first installed the game, however I'm about 8 hours in of game time and when I went to play this evening the game is lagging very badly even on inital start up when in the main menu. I manage to join a server and it's completely unplayable, I changed all my settings from Ultra to low and this made no difference. Also when you then try to quit the game the machine freezes and I have to pull the plug to restart.

I'm running an i9 9900k, Evga Geforce RTX 2080 and 32GB ram, it was all working absolutely fine so I'm at a total loss as to what is causing this issue. I haven't changed GPU driver and I'm on the latest version.

Other games don't appear to be affected, I've been on Sim City and X-plane 11 and they were fine.

I've tried clearing the Origin cache, and uninstalled and re-installed the game but it's the same. Can anyone help?
Run afterburner with osd on.go into game, look at gpu clock.cpu clock .check usage they are at? If overclocked set back to default ,try again?

Was playing last night and ran into some familiar battlefield legacy issues based around tanks. Seeing the tracer effect for tank shells flying well above my tank but somehow still hitting like the tanks hit box is that of a 2 storey house in terms of height. Been an issue since they went to frostbite and never fixed. Also seen tank shells hitting the ground maybe 20 feet in front of me and also registering as a hit. Baffles me how years later they still can't fix these kind of bugs or just don't bother to try to in the first place.
Reduction of plane weaponry reload time, yay. Said no one ever.

Fjell is going to go back to be unplayable, it's already a server killer as it is.
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