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8 Dec 2002
North Yorkshire
Watched the Naz bit again and if you forget about the dramatisation what he is saying makes total sense. It's whats people on here have been saying since he was on Ch5, he's fast, looks good but he has no power, swings widely and leaves his chin wide open.

Especially liked the part where he said at this level you need a get of jail punch - Eubank doesn't have it.
28 Nov 2003
Manchester, UK
Think Naz has been out of the limelight for too long and needed some attention, but at the same time he had some valid points.

Hopefully this has burst JRs bubble and knocks him down a peg or two, he needs someone in his corner who he respects enough to actually listen too when things aren't going his way. He never has a plan B.
16 Feb 2010
North East England
If Naz followed his own advise he would never have fought Calvo. Or maybe he is just speaking from experience.

Groves outclassed Eubank no doubt about that. Eubank needs to look at another trainer but his lack of power at this weight is an issue. Hard to say what his next move will be?
28 May 2007
Think Naz has been out of the limelight for too long and needed some attention, but at the same time he had some valid points.

Hopefully this has burst JRs bubble and knocks him down a peg or two, he needs someone in his corner who he respects enough to actually listen too when things aren't going his way. He never has a plan B.

I thought all the 'Chris decides and trains himself' stuff was BS but maybe it is true. Someone should have been raging at him when the corner was trying to sort the cut out. He wouldn't keep his head still and at best you have 50 seconds.

If Eubank is training himself then he let himself down last night as that was a massive opportunity.
Transmission breaker
20 Oct 2002
In a house
Chris looked undercooked tactically, emotionally and seemed to underestimate his opponent.
To me it seemed like the result of working in an echo chamber and believing your own hype.
Chris needs to open up to a wider range of influences and wise up that it can't be done on your own.
Maybe losing is what he needed to improve?
9 Jun 2004
I know Naz's retirement comment was tongue in cheek but it is difficult to see where Eubank goes from here. He's fought two decent fighters and lost both fights. Unprompted, he admitted that he felt the size difference last night and that played a part in the outcome of the fight which suggests a move back to middleweight but who does he fight? He's not fighting GGG/Canelo and he's already bottled two rematches against Billy Joe Saunders, who's better equipped than Groves to do what Groves done to him last night. He can't afford another loss on his record any time soon so unless it's for massive money or a title he's not going to fight anybody else of note. After making decent money from his last couple of fights is he really going to back down to fighting British/European level fighters for 5-10% of what he's just earned?
22 Mar 2007
Agreed Baz, he's in a difficult position. Imo last night showed that he clearly doesn't have the power to compete against the better super-middles, yet he's not good enough to beat the likes of GGG, Canelo, Saunders at middleweight either.

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

I was surprised that Jr’s gameplan essentially consisted of “throw a wild haymaker. Rinse and repeat”.

He was the aggressor so he should have tried to pick Groves off with jabs and grind a points finish. Why he didn’t regroup after the 4th round was anyone’s guess.

We watched it in town and people were laughing at him wildly swinging like a garden gate.

Oh and the cut man must have missed his dose of pills. He was shaking like a leaf to the point he missed applying the cotton bud about half a dozen times. Bizarre.
9 Jun 2004
...so he should have tried to pick Groves off with jabs and grind a points finish...

Why does Stewart Downing just not play like Messi? Eubank couldn't just pick Groves off, he doesn't have the ability to do it. Eubank has the hand speed and energy that will beat average fighters but when he faces elite fighters he lacks the technical ability or tactical nous to out box them nor does he have the power to KO them.

Deleted member 651465


Deleted member 651465

Why does Stewart Downing just not play like Messi? Eubank couldn't just pick Groves off, he doesn't have the ability to do it. Eubank has the hand speed and energy that will beat average fighters but when he faces elite fighters he lacks the technical ability or tactical nous to out box them nor does he have the power to KO them.
Keyword in my post.. "tried" ;). He has the hand speed, so he should be able to stick a basic jab on someone like Groves. Instead he kept going for the jab to the body and leaving himself wide open...
9 May 2005
Not a huge fan of either but I have to agree with the excellent 5 live podcast summing the fight up. The fight is going to be wrongly remembered as a Groves master class where in fact it wasn’t like that at all. Eubank was as poor as I can ever remember seeing someone fight at that level in 20 years. A stone lighter, less experience and throwing punches like he had just left the pub but Groves couldn’t punish him for it. At times Eubanks punches were so wild he was almost doubling himself over and Groves himself did very little to trouble him.

Eubank was god awful but groves was bang average, so I don’t see much going forward for Eubank. The podcast is well worth a listen, explaining how utterly devoid of a game plan they were and how much the kid training himself while anyone with any training ability was left carrying buckets. Team Eubank hung themselves out to dry. Plenty of potential but a perfect example of how it can go so wrong when the wrong people are in control. Whether he is the one not listening is another question but they have to get the kid a proper trainer.
28 May 2007
Not a huge fan of either but I have to agree with the excellent 5 live podcast summing the fight up. The fight is going to be wrongly remembered as a Groves master class where in fact it wasn’t like that at all. Eubank was as poor as I can ever remember seeing someone fight at that level in 20 years. A stone lighter, less experience and throwing punches like he had just left the pub but Groves couldn’t punish him for it. At times Eubanks punches were so wild he was almost doubling himself over and Groves himself did very little to trouble him.

Eubank was god awful but groves was bang average, so I don’t see much going forward for Eubank. The podcast is well worth a listen, explaining how utterly devoid of a game plan they were and how much the kid training himself while anyone with any training ability was left carrying buckets. Team Eubank hung themselves out to dry. Plenty of potential but a perfect example of how it can go so wrong when the wrong people are in control. Whether he is the one not listening is another question but they have to get the kid a proper trainer.

Well Groves did enough to win comfortably so we have to take that for what it is, but Eubank has a big problem now. Eubank has called out so many big names and has probably convinced to many people that he is an elite fighter but never had the opportunity to prove this, when really he's probably only just at the point to be considered a serious contender for world title fights. Anything less than a mega fight will be seen as a joke and a shot at a belt seems very unlikely unless he can work himself into a mandatory spot.
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