The *Official* Crisys Thread

deleted said:
hah whatever! you were right into it, too late to dig yourself out now sorry.

:p i was stirring the pot to see how many people would fall for this. suffice to say there wern;t too many. i had hoped to see LOADS more really.
Cyber-Mav said:
picture quality doesn;t look realistic enough to be real life. those people in the lake deffo don;t look real to me. look more like plastic dummies.
remember it doesn;t have to be a crysis shot, the word on the crytek forum is that that scene was rendered using the cryengine 2.
im rekon your using a tft monitor since i just checked the pic on my laptop and its much harder to tell the difference between real and rendered on the tft than it is with my crt.

You are a legend. :D
To be fair if you're browsing a Crysis thread and you see a picture of the sea and some palm trees you automatically assume it's a screenie :p

I feel a bit stupid now, why would Crysis have people swimming in the water lol?

I mean yea, who can tell? :D
Ulfhedjinn said:
Mav you fail at life, we all know you thought that it was a fake picture. :)

believe what you wish. check the crytek forums, you won;t see that pic anywhere. i got it from that site i linked when searching for holidays in florida :p
One of the funniest threads ever. Sorry guys but it's not going to go away and your names are all on display for others to see and laugh at you. :D
I was just waiting for cyber mav to own up, because there's no way that could have been in game. We're going to need cards with multi GB vram and a lot higher resolution than is currently available before we get games that realistic. Maybe in 5 or so years on dx11.

Even when you compare the two shots Willhub posted, the differences are clear. The haze in the air, the minute detail of the little village on the shore, the different shades of blue in the sea, as well as the sharpness of the waves.

There's no doubting that Crysis is a huge leap in graphics, but it could not be mistaken for reality :D
Yeah, come on Psychas, that thread actually got very interesting when you backed out like a dog with his tail between his legs. :p
KNiVES said:
Yeah, come on Psychas, that thread actually got very interesting when you backed out like a dog with his tail between his legs. :p

i did not backed out what the point of proving something giving facts people will still not believe it i made my point it is for you to decide to believe in it or not ;)
psychas said:
i did not backed out what the point of proving something giving facts people will still not believe it i made my point it is for you to decide to believe in it or not ;)

You didn't give facts you gave rofls.
psychas said:
i did not backed out what the point of proving something giving facts people will still not believe it i made my point it is for you to decide to believe in it or not ;)
Psychas, I know it's not life or death, but is there any chance that you could make an effort to spell things correctly, and put the odd comma or full stop in your ramblings? Every post of yours is very hard to read.
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