You can tell the difference but it's not as big as I was expecting tbh considering the PS4 is meant to be 10x more powerful.
That is the trouble with a cross-gen engine. If it was just for PS4, I'm sure they could improve it even further.
You can tell the difference but it's not as big as I was expecting tbh considering the PS4 is meant to be 10x more powerful.
Has anyone noticed duplicate items in the inventory?
Im not sure why this happens but I have had a few things duplicated like some of the armour, I just dismantle anything the same but why is this.
playing as a hunter Im not entirley sure what weapon I should be using when in close/mid range combat, I do like to snipe from distance but I do like to dance with the enemy as well
Looking I see auto rifle, scout rifle and pulse rifle. are they all best mid to close range combat.
as hunter you probably want to practice using hand cannon :3
Hand cannons are just devastating. Headshot everything instakill.
Well I've played a few hours now (Level 5 just) and I'm enjoying it.
A few things I've noticed:
It's starting to get Repetitive, I'm still on Earth though and the Patrol mission is just endless getting missions and killing things.
Maps are small (At least Earth is. Assume the Moon is same too?)
How the bleeding hell to you kill one of the those Fallen Walker thingies? I hardly do 25% damage to the dood.
And when does the Crucible get unlocked?
If you are the hunter that is your special ability and it essentially 1 shots most things anyway. I use a hand cannon as my primary and switch between a fusion rifle and a sniper rifle as my secondary with a rocket launcher in my heavyslot.
Crucible is Level 6
To kill the walkers you really need a few people. Shoot at the legs (all on the same leg if you can co-ordinate this as when a leg cover blows up it reveals a weakspot for 10-15 seconds on the back of it's neck area.
They have a lot of health though.
So much stuff unlocks at later levels, people saying this doesn't have enough content are so wrong. I just reached level 18.
I think the biggest problem on here is that a lot of people on here don't seem to understand how RPGs work, for me personally Destiny is every bit a RPG as it is FPS. Perhaps Bungie could've been more clear during their advertising but I knew when I hit the pre-order button exactly what this game was going to be and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
It's unlocked for me at level 5?
Is it best to do crucible stuff in a fireteam or can it be done solo.