*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

If you hate shooters or grinding, don't buy it.

If you like shooters + MMO style grinding + playing with with others, then buy it.

Story is meh (depends how much you can connect with the game lore / setting), social features are severely lacking compared to most multiplayer games, but gameplay is really solid.

I love diablo 3 so grinding isnt an issue and i havent got a shooter atm so thats why im leaning towards it, but some of the stuff in the beta just felt soo repetitive but i understand the game is all about lvl20 and beyond right?
So after 20, XP turns to motes of light? Does this level up your light somehow? I don't really get that.

Also, what are the best missions for the 'kill 10 hive/kill 10 fallen majors' on the bounties?
I have to say, I'm starting to enjoy this a lot more now. Mixing up the campaign and MP helps a lot and I've been involved in some events that were fun.

Story still needs a WHOLE lot of work on the storytelling and characters but I'm starting to see the potential here now.
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Met Agent of Nine today - some interesting lvl 20 exotics - make sure you save those strange coins ;)

ps3ud0 :cool:

I've just said to my mate 5 mins ago - what the hell are these for! Now I know!

It was like dark souls - getting items where the description gives you no clue as to what it's for. lol
I really want to sink a good long day into this but I have the gf all weekend and my 2 year old niece.

Why can't people just leave me alone.

Really starting to get into it now. I don't understand the bad reviews. All games like this are repetitive... Hell, Fifa and COD are repetitive but people play them non stop.

I'd just like to see more weapons and enemies.
I got caught up in the hype and I have tried to get into it, but this game just hasn't clicked.

It feels like a crap version of halo for me personally. I know many will disagree but that's my take on it so far. It's just one big massive repetition with long loading times and clunky user interface. I'll be trading this in tomorrow while it's worth something.

I also think Destiny will end up like titanfall in that once the novelty wears off people will forget about it. I would actually bet my life on Destiny not being the long term option people and more importantly Bungie and Activision were hoping for. No way can I see millions of people still playing this this time next year.

I'd have preferred Bungie to have gone more the Halo route with Destiny, by that I mean a good campaign with co-op and the usual halo type modes.

I appreciate people would have moaned but to be honest nowadays you'll always get people moaning regardless. But as it stands it's like Bungie aimed high but they missed......
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Why when i pick where i want to go do i need to click launch?

And why have they got this stupid pointer thing instead of just use the buttons to select what you want?

Uggggg Think this is getting sold tbh
I finally got a semi-decent lvl 20 (blue) primary (auto rifle) to own some n00bs with in the crucible
done that stupid moon strike like a bazillion times today
got it from a lvl 22 strike
also have some armor with +reload speed and +ammo for auto rifle
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