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Is it some sort of higher difficulty then, I thought the devils lair was the weekly heroic, guess I just need to level up then to unlock them.

I take it they will appear on the destination map when available to me.
I've been trying to get into PvP for 30mins now, just stays on loading trying to find players ?

Just tried skirmish from main map and been on 1/6 for 10mins now.
Every time I get into a multiplayer game, I get teamed up with some high levels, nothing wrong with that but then they immediately leave when the game starts!

All I want to do is capture ten relic things :(
Hmm, this is starting to get annoying with the disconnects. I just finished a strike and literally as the big guy went down it disconnected me. Wasted loads of time for nothing.
Is it some sort of higher difficulty then, I thought the devils lair was the weekly heroic, guess I just need to level up then to unlock them.

I take it they will appear on the destination map when available to me.

They appear on the shortcut bar on the left on the planet map. Yeah they're higher difficulty and have additional modifiers (like the skulls from Halo) to make things tougher.
What is a daily heroic story mission and weekly heroic strike?

See this mentioned a lot, do I need to be a certain level for these to unlock.


they unlock at lvl 20 i think.

daily heroic mission is completing one of the story missions with the "heroic" modifier active (you can see it when you change the difficulty) - this can easily be done solo, it is not a group specific activity.

weekly heroic strike is god damn impossible XD i have no idea what kind of gear you need to stand a chance in it, but I have fully upgraded lvl 20 blues and i was getting pretty much 1-shot killed.
also, weekly heroic strike has no matchmaking i.e. you have to form a premade group yourself to attempt it. plenty of people from OCUK at that level now though..!
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Ah ok , I did the devils lair last night with some randoms , so that's the weekly heroic!

What about the daily heroic, where can I find this?

are you sure you did the weekly heroic..?

just doing the devils lair strike =/= the weekly heroic.
weekly heroic = devils lair strike with heroic modifier and "arc burn" modifier (for me).
we tried it yesterday as lvl 24's and got facerolled by the first area..
also, you can't do it with a random group, you have to make your own fireteam..

anyway, I'll be on a bit later, need to earn 2 more "strange coins" to unlock those exotic gauntlets from the special vendor, then I'm good to do anything :)
might do some PvP today actually, need to earn some more crucible marks, and have a lot of easy crucible bounties (kill 25 titan/hunter/warlock etc.)
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Been loving this so far! Me and a friend had a do nothing but play Destiny session all of Friday from about 10am till 2am few hours break in between but went from 8 or so all the way to 20 and we still have mars to do!
Played a few rounds of salvage last night a lot of fun got a dew upgrades and got to 21, Most annoying thing was when ever i was on a team nobody would revive, the other team always revived was getting rather annoyed as when you do revive someone you get a shield just nobody seemed to understand this ! ><

Playing as a hunter and really enjoying it, totally forgot about the subclass till level 20 so working on leveling that a bit and remembering to have that set when i hand in bounties for some nice juicy XP.

Roll on tomorrow as it's my day off so probably play majority of the day again, lets hope the loot gods are looking out for me :D !
I ended up doing the weekly heroic solo as I couldn't be bothered to keep looking for people to do it with. It was actually pretty easy, but I took my time. I only died once but I self ressed so I didn't even lose any progress.
anyone have any pro tips for PvP?
I just seem to be getting absolutely destroyed.
I'm running around as a titan with an auto rifle and a shotgun with lvl 20 blues but my aim sucks against fast moving targets and I really cant use shotgun to save my life XD

-> just saw a sniper get a 14.0 KDA on a control match lulz
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Just randomly got a Legendary Engram during a Strike mission. Got some purple gauntlets from it!

I've been grinding the Strike playlist so I can level up and buy the Vanguard armour and now it turns out that you can get them as drops anyway :rolleyes:
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