*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

don't like the competitive multiplayer at all but i freaking love the co-op strikes, The game should just be full of those, its great working together and that feeling when your the last guardian standing and your scampering around trying to stay alive and review somebody knowing if you die you gota start over but you make it ahaha
what do you find easiest to to level up, patrols? raids?

I'm still only level 5, seems to be taking ages!, I dont want to rush the story missions either.

Doing stuff at a harder level, story + strikes
Grinding in patrol missions
Do the bounties for patrol missions

Im a lvl 20 hunter and did a level 22 strike last night with 2 of my pals at level 22 and was getting rekt. Levelling up before taking on harder strikes is going to be essential

The raid coming out on the 16th is level 26, after level 20 you can only level with 'light' so you need more + more rare(blue) kit to level up.
Get so much more sense of achievement playing missions on hard where possible, I was playing a story mission with a random player and he had to leave near the end and I was being attacked from all directions, managed to just survive.

Level 9 now and I'm really enjoying the game.

I noticed while playing patrol suddenly a big boss spawned out of nowhere and it was some kind of public event where you had to kill it within a time frame I was alone and then suddenly a fire team turned up to help me out!

By the way what exactly is the money coins for see it in my emblem bug I thought glimmer is the currency?
Ah, that is your grimoire score. You unlock grimoire score by doing things (discovering new zones, game types, enemies etc)

Can see in more detail on the mobile app or the bungie website.
Ah, that is your grimoire score. You unlock grimoire score by doing things (discovering new zones, game types, enemies etc)

Can see in more detail on the mobile app or the bungie website.


One final question, does crucible and other PvP level up your character and earn items that can be used in normal story missions and PvE quests
Anyone online now on ps4 that wants to do the weekly heroic? (Level 22, maybe 26?)

We tried that **** earlier and OMG:
comes to mind.

Got absolutely rekked in the first room where all the mobs spawn at you.

p.s. I am lvl 24 (and tried the strike at lvl 22)

Maximum vanguard and crucible marks received for the week :p

Holy moly, I have almost 100 vanguard marks but I'm slacking on the crucible marks.

What's your Vanguard rep like..?
I think it's going to be a mission to hit rank 3 or w/e it is you need to unlock the legendaries with 150 marks.
The thing with Vanguard rep is there are a lot of ways to get it but they're not balanced in the slightest. The strike playlist takes ages but barely gets you any, patrols are far, far quicker.
i caped pvp and pve marks yesterday :]
Now i am grinding pvp and pve a bit. Got legendary scouting rifle and gloves . Damn my aim sucks on PAD wish i could play with mouse and keyboard :/
My left finger is killing me from constantly holding and pressing sprint :/
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