*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

Very mixed reviews for this... certainly not the classic many were expecting!

i'm not even level 5 yet but i can't see this ever being a 'classic'. it's good and i have barely scratched the surface but it's not mind blowing like i thought it would be. you can't go wherever you want as i have found out many a time by dying.

i've done no co-op yet thought mind.
Will anyone be on tomorrow on Xbox? Need some help with the devils lair, trying to do it without dying but just getting smashed by knights on my own!

Same with the last story level on earth :(
just played for an hour and it didn't connect onto the launch mission twice in a row. got in 3rd time and achieved level 5. getting sick of the 'captains'.
Happening to me a lot, only got the dame today and maybe played 3 hours or so. I have already been kicked off about 5 times.

Yeh it's pretty annoying because you get kicked out of your fireteam with it.

If any of you lot want to fireteam up, my handle is Videotrap. Feel free to add.
So level 26 raid in a few days - getting worried I wont surpass that level as having no luck with drops. After the taster that was the weekly strike and the level 24 strike playlist I think being under 26 will make it a real pain. Being tortured by other peoples legendary items drops doesnt help!

Anyone done the nightfall strike? Still locked out :(

BTW it is Tuesday when the Marks reset to zero right? Still need to hit 100 on PvE and PvP...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Bought this Friday based on the feedback here lol. I had a very brief encounter with it in the open beta and liked what I saw there tbh. This is a loot game through and through. Just like when Diablo came out, the new generation of gamers who were exposed to hype went out and snapped it up not realising what it was. You then saw user reviews trashing it as the campaign was beaten in 6 hours or the max level was reached in a similar time. People trashing the game play as samey etc etc. This type of game scratches a certain itch as far as I am concerned and only a certain type of gamer is interested in scratching it. in this case normal FPS shooter fans need not necessarily apply.

I am only level 4 at the moment and so yes I have not seen a lot but I know already that I will like this game as the mechanics of the game are sound and there seems to be plenty to do. I like the environments, I find them quite inspiring; encouraging me to explore further than I am meant to on certain missions. I think I will lvl another character at some point but may be not straight away.

Yes, when Shadows of Mordor and Assassins Creed Unity comes out, this may leave my drive for a while. However when they are done and never see the PS4 again I just know that the Destiny disc will be back in there.

One question for now - doe this game do PUGs - have not really tried yet, but when I saw a patrol mission saying 1-3 players, I could not see an obvious PUG option. Wish they would give manuals away with games that have mechanics over and above shooting things!

I have put in a request to join the OcUK PS4 clan btw if some one can approve. Cheers.
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You can team up with randoms for missions if you want to. PUG's occur when you do the strike missions which group you with randoms if you're not in a firearm party with others. Earths strike mission is level 8.

Got my lock to 15 and rolled a Hunter. After the intro mission I was surprised to see pvp available to me so I went in at level 2. Actually did ok and the Hunter is great for pvp. Bladedancer is such fun and yes a little OP. Level 5 now seem to level fast just pvping.
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