*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

Had no luck at all tonight!

Got a legendary emblem which had the chance to decode to exotic bit I got some daft currency item ffs lol.

Still stuck at 23 :(
Had no luck at all tonight!

Got a legendary emblem which had the chance to decode to exotic bit I got some daft currency item ffs lol.

Still stuck at 23 :(

I've got more Hunter legendaries than I have Titan, are they doing it to make people role each class? it's stupid otherwise.
Spent an hour farming earlier and got nothing worth mentioning, then jump into a friends game and the first thing that drops is a legendary engram. Actually turned into a legendary! Its a heavy machine gun which isn't my style but hey its purple :)
We tried it earlier but it was very hard and we didn't get very far.

Unfortunatly I was the highest level at 2, everyone else was 25 which was way to low, We'll try it again when people have levelled up some more.

But this is exactly what Destiny is about, love it!
How is it? It's far harder then just jumping round a wall and casting a huge rape bomb that kills everything in a 5 mile radius. Takes quite a bit of practice to get yourself into the right positions to make BD effective.

Generally unless you are playing control mode you will get 1 kill with the other ults. Bladedancer can easily get you 2/3. It's OP as **** at the moment. Clearest sign is how many flipping Hunters there are in pvp at the moment.
I'd get the chests later on when you need the gear to up your light.

Just been on the weekly strike with two other 24/25s and its a joke. I don't see how it is possible.
The nova bomb is OP on control, managed to kill 5 people with it in one go :D All the specials are OP when used as designed but thats their point. Overall though they are balanced as 1 isn't OP against the others.
Seems one group has finished the raid.


Was watching a stream and it looks hard, confusing at the start, but i kind of get it now.

wow thats crazy.

There's so much more to this game than just the basic story line. A lot of the reviews are slating this game for being very shallow because the story only lasts about 12 hours or so. But you're missing out half the game if you just do the story when there's stuff like this to do.

Can't wait to level up and have a crack at these massively hard 6 person raids.
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