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What's the nightfall challenge thing I keep seeing being mentioned? Is it another modifier like the heroic/hard mode?

The nightfall strikes have multiple modifiers to make it more difficult which are dependant on the strike, you can view what each of these modifiers are by hovering over the icons for them in the lobby after selecting the mission. The modifier that makes nightfall strikes a lot more challenging is that if the team wipes, they will need to start from the beginning and not the last checkpoint.
Can someone explain to me how, some nights I can find a multilayer game, fire team etc. Wheres tonight I am left EVALUATING GUARDIANS....I am trying not to join the band wagon of negative comments on this game as I love it. But this seems to be happening way to often for me. "xbox one" Any advice on how to stop this issue as I can't seem to find anything on the internet.....
Generally unless you are playing control mode you will get 1 kill with the other ults. Bladedancer can easily get you 2/3. It's OP as **** at the moment. Clearest sign is how many flipping Hunters there are in pvp at the moment.

The ranged throwing knife is brutal as well.

Plus they have the fastest movement speed, so are the most difficult class to aim at.

I've got to the stage now where as a Titan, I don't stand a chance in hell against a decent Hunter really unless I catch them by surprise or have my super up >.<
I really really really despise the random loot system.

6v6 Clash. My team lost by 20 points, everyone in our team did well (1+ KD ratio) apart from 1 plonker with a KD of 0.14, level 21 character. What did he get? 2 purples. TWO! What did I get?



e: And with limited time available to game on weekdays, I've decided to join Future Wars to get rep on their gears. Works well for my nade spamming Sunslinger...
Is the raid the house of glass thing? I unlocked it last night but I'm only level 22 and have no legendary items yet so probably don't stand a chance I guess!
The nova bomb is OP on control, managed to kill 5 people with it in one go :D All the specials are OP when used as designed but thats their point. Overall though they are balanced as 1 isn't OP against the others.

I rotate between Nova bomb, shotgun to the face, and then melee. Seems to work pretty well
I was so excited when from 1 pack of mobs I got 2 purples drop, A chest and a helmet... Back to town I go and decrypt them.... 1 mote of light and a warlock helmet..... I'm a hunter...FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
wow thats crazy.

There's so much more to this game than just the basic story line. A lot of the reviews are slating this game for being very shallow because the story only lasts about 12 hours or so. But you're missing out half the game if you just do the story when there's stuff like this to do.

Can't wait to level up and have a crack at these massively hard 6 person raids.

14 hours one of the two teams to beat it took :eek: thats more hour's than i've put into the game so far lol.

I'm still only lvl 18 so wont be raiding for a while, and when i do i wont have 14 hours to play it.
I'm stuck at level 20 presuming I need light which I'll guess comes on armour? Need some good loot to bump it up and need some legendary items to drop for me.

As for the blade dancer it's like commando pro on MW2, run through ridiculous amounts of bullets and stabs you.. If your half decent ull get 5 kills plus with that a time easily on most of these CQC maps
Got my first legendary last night, ranked up crypto to lvl 5 and got two ingrams in the mail, one the normal blue the other a nice purple shotgun :D just need some more luck now for the rest
Got my first legendary last night, ranked up crypto to lvl 5 and got two ingrams in the mail, one the normal blue the other a nice purple shotgun :D just need some more luck now for the rest

Do you buy ingram from the Crypto to level him up quickly or did you find loads of drops to decrpt?
14 hours one of the two teams to beat it took :eek: thats more hour's than i've put into the game so far lol.

I'm still only lvl 18 so wont be raiding for a while, and when i do i wont have 14 hours to play it.

I think that your progress in the raids is saved for the current week, so you don't have to smash it all in one go.
Cool, farming it is then.

More farming but on the Moon during a mission, might be useful for anyone wanting to farm:

Good find, I will be trying this when I get home from work. I was farming last night with friends on Venus, enemies where only dropping blue and green items though. Need to get more Motes of Light to level my Lvl 20 Warlock up.

I tried this out last night whilst waiting around for people. Only did it for about 20 minutes though. Popped a Black Wax Idol for some extra credit and a nice auto rifle in hand, I ended up getting 9 greens and 4 blue engrams. Plus I've been levelling up Sunsinger so the hordes of enemies really helped towards that. 10/10 would recommend.
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