*** The Official Destiny Thread (now includes 2.0 and TTK) ***

Why would they patch it? It's just the game, there are plenty of areas that have respawning enemies.

This is a mission related setup, as when you die, you get to do the area again with drops on ground, so they may patch it as opposed to a loop farming method on patrol.

But who knows!
This is a mission related setup, as when you die, you get to do the area again with drops on ground, so they may patch it as opposed to a loop farming method on patrol.

But who knows!

They've got a lot of patching to do then because there are about ten of those areas in missions. Loads on the moon in particular.
tbh, farming random mobs isn't really the most reliable way of gearing up, and it's boring as ****.

if your time is limited in any way, you are probably far better off grinding vanguard / crucible marks and faction reputation, then you can buy legendary items tailored specifically to your playstyle, instead of praying to RNG-sus for a random drop.
Just got a blue engram heavy weapon which says could be uncommon,rare,legendary.

I'm level 19, should I wait till I'm higher level before decoding or does it make no difference and just luck?

Some people on here say they always get the lower rubbish and not any rare stuff.
Hi all just wondered something, I am seeing some Xbox one Destiny bundles, It has written next to it a value of £35 of Destiny credit .....my question is, can the £35 credit be used on ANY item in the Xbox Store, or just the Destiny expansion pack?
Just got a blue engram heavy weapon which says could be uncommon,rare,legendary.

I'm level 19, should I wait till I'm higher level before decoding or does it make no difference and just luck?

Some people on here say they always get the lower rubbish and not any rare stuff.

you could wait til lvl 20.
engrams will decode at the level of your character, not the level you were when they drop (as far as I am aware).

i.e. if you decode at lvl 19, highest lvl item you will get will be 19, so better to wait til lvl 20 for a chance at a lvl 20 item.
tbh, farming random mobs isn't really the most reliable way of gearing up, and it's boring as ****.

if your time is limited in any way, you are probably far better off grinding vanguard / crucible marks and faction reputation, then you can buy legendary items tailored specifically to your playstyle, instead of praying to RNG-sus for a random drop.
I need the materials tbh
Just got a blue engram heavy weapon which says could be uncommon,rare,legendary.

I'm level 19, should I wait till I'm higher level before decoding or does it make no difference and just luck?

Some people on here say they always get the lower rubbish and not any rare stuff.

I saved almost all of mine until level 20. Then when I used them all at lvl20, I ended up with 2 things that I actually wanted. was pretty gutted tbh. Seeing as you are so close you could wait, unless you need something now.
you could wait til lvl 20.
engrams will decode at the level of your character, not the level you were when they drop (as far as I am aware).

i.e. if you decode at lvl 19, highest lvl item you will get will be 19, so better to wait til lvl 20 for a chance at a lvl 20 item.

I saved almost all of mine until level 20. Then when I used them all at lvl20, I ended up with 2 things that I actually wanted. was pretty gutted tbh. Seeing as you are so close you could wait, unless you need something now.

Thanks I will wait then.
I saved almost all of mine until level 20. Then when I used them all at lvl20, I ended up with 2 things that I actually wanted. was pretty gutted tbh. Seeing as you are so close you could wait, unless you need something now.

as mentioned before, gearing up through engrams is hugely unreliable, I personally have around 40hrs /played and I haven't recieved a single legendary weapon or armor piece from any of the legendary engrams I recieved.

faction vendors ftw ;D
Played the earth strike last night, me level 13, my two friends 5 and 6 - was pretty hilarious but we managed to get through it!
Still loving this game! Not played a FPS in 5 years so quite surprised... and whilst i can maintain a k/d of >1.0 in crucible will be happy.

I do have a question about strikes. These are my favourite aspect of the game, but in terms of rewards they seem poor. Form them you can get:-

Engrams & Glimmer - These are farmed much faster in certain mission "grind" spots where there is a high rate of spawning enemies
Vanguard Marks - These are farmed faster and more easily through public events once you know the times the events spawn and have a route in place
Vanguard Rep - Much more efficient to focus on bounties + events (with some patrol missions in between event spawns)

As such whenever i'm doing strikes, i'm having the most fun, but the back of my mind tells me I should be doing less fun activities to maximise reward / progression.

Am I missing anything from strikes. Is there certain gear / items tied specifially to strikes etc?
I've had about 4 or 5 Legendary Engrams so far (2 gifted when I hit rank 5 Cryptarch). Only 1 turned out higher than Rare, a Legendary Arc damage Shotgun.

Unfortunately I also have an Exotic Weapon Bounty which requires me to get 500 'points' in PvP by killing Guardians with Void damage... I have no skills that deal void damage so I'm stuck with a meh void Shotgun and my Rocket Launcher. I can't even melee to finish people off if they survive :p
Hi all just wondered something, I am seeing some Xbox one Destiny bundles, It has written next to it a value of £35 of Destiny credit .....my question is, can the £35 credit be used on ANY item in the Xbox Store, or just the Destiny expansion pack?

That is a £35 Xbox Store credit, you can spend on anything.

They just come in a fancy game related card.
I can't believe how ridiculously OP the Fusion Rifles are in MP. After getting owned by them the other night I tried one today and they're silly. Just a one shot kill every time.
Played the earth strike last night, me level 13, my two friends 5 and 6 - was pretty hilarious but we managed to get through it!

The one with the tank, me and a friend with one random did that strike last night. I'm only level 10 friend was level 8 and random was 10, we got there in the end... Was a heck of a lot of fun mind.

this is one game that is way more fun with firends, if you play this game without friends or go solo its boring, hard and frustrating imo ... one title in my collection I have to find mates to team up with..
I solod the story and didn't find it boring at all. Strikes are awesome though!

Level 20 now and looking to farm marks and rep. Gone with New Monarchy.
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