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Dont think they have in game voice chat....thought it was all done through PSN Party chat.....i've never heard anyone in matchmaking groups or Crucible Matches.

If you're in the same fireteam you will have voice chat but I've never heard a 'random' in the same lobby speaking which is kind of odd. Mics must be rare.....
The gun have a charge time that lames it a little, takes a lot of practice to be good. Don't forget the gun does a vertical recoil spray, another element to get the hang of.

CQB, shotgun will win it at the first to trigger.
Mid range however, it's close to being a winner but it needs an element of luck and the finishing spray to be in the head region to defo 1 shot kill.

Use to think it's crap but after a load of practice on hordes of enemies, I got the hang of it and owns. My bro on the other hand is absolutely pants still, he can't anticipate well...

The charge time is minimal and I'll tell you what I'm basing my opinion off, my brother had to start using one last night as part of a bounty and he couldn't get over how many 1v1 battles he won cause of it versus say an auto rifle, pulse rifle or shotgun. It doesn't take much to anticipate people in this game as long as you glance at your mini-map occasionally, I do it a lot myself to make sure I have charge for my shoulder rush.

I do definitely agree a shotgun will beat it point blank but are they tough to use? It doesn't seem so based off most of the opinions I have heard.
I think they are rare. You can see a little voice chat symbol next to your banner if you have a mic connected.

Means every time I join a fireteam I mute my mic as being the only person in a group with a mic is weird.
Well, don't think much of that moon farming spot, spent an hour there today and managed to get about 2 engrams, complete waste of time. Much more fun doing patrol missions and just as good loot to be honest.
That's fair enough, but it does make me laugh when I see those pictures of a field of loot, they've obviously been at it for hours.
Is it worth upgrading rare armour for additional light or best to just save resources for legendary gear?

The resources you use to upgrade 'rare' gear is common, so its generally worth upgrading it especially if it pushes you up to the next light level. I have well over 200 of the items used to upgrade both armour and weapons and I always upgrade weapons and armour if I can.
I did that moon loot spot for an hour or two and got a legendary Ghost Angel Helmet for my hunter from a blue engram. I wouldn't leave it all on the ground like that picture though - never now when you might get booted off the server! :P
Well after slapping the cryparch around a little he finally came good!

Level up package with a legendary engram turns into exotic Gjalhorn rocket launcher and found a random blue that turns into a nice legendary helm :)

Anyone up for doing the weekly strike later tonight or tomorrow?
I can't believe how ridiculously OP the Fusion Rifles are in MP. After getting owned by them the other night I tried one today and they're silly. Just a one shot kill every time.

they are not even close to OP in PvP, they are very difficult to aim, they have a ridiculously long charge up time, and all shots have to hit to 1-shot kill.

they are OP against a target who is standing still afk, and that's about it.
Even at point blank my shotguns seems to hardly take their shield down let alone bring them to near death

follow up with a melee and GG

although if you get a legendary / exotic shotgun, you can usually just run around 1-shotting everyone. saw some guy doing it on one of the smaller maps the other night, it was ridiculously difficult to take him down and he was racking up kill streaks in the chat like crazy.
I did that moon loot spot for an hour or two and got a legendary Ghost Angel Helmet for my hunter from a blue engram. I wouldn't leave it all on the ground like that picture though - never now when you might get booted off the server! :P

engrams get sent to the postmaster in that case anyway.
I am finding the biggest problem is shotguns. People just appearing and before I can even react I am dead from a shotgun blast. I don't have a decent shotgun (Either that or I totally and utterly fail) as it takes me about 6 shotgun blasts to kill anyone.

that's the same experience I have, with a lvl 20 blue :D
i think it's likely that i just suck with them in PvP though.
they can 1 shot kill if you are stupidly close, or bring them low enough to finish with a fast melee.
but 9 times out of 10 when i have shotgun drawn i just get gunned down by any old primary weapon before i even reach the target. they really rely on you getting the element of surprise.
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