Purples can give greens too, which is a real kick in the teeth...
Just got a legendary helmet from an engram, which is annoyingly the same as the one I just spent 120 vanguard marks on. xD
That would annoy me

Purples can give greens too, which is a real kick in the teeth...
Just got a legendary helmet from an engram, which is annoyingly the same as the one I just spent 120 vanguard marks on. xD
Is the legendary vanguard armour the 3 people sell in the hallway the best stuff in the game? Got enough marks for a bit but don't want to waste them if something better pops up! Also looking for a new gun, been using the same battered old rifle for ages!
I want the future war cult set really but I'm so crap at the crucible it would take ages to get the marks needed.
Got a couple of legendary drops but only one was actually a legendary item, some gauntlets. Very annoying how they can turn into complete crap.
Why are the helmets so expensive? All the other armor pieces are 65 marks but helmets are 120. Its not like it even has the best defense as that goes to the chest armor. Sucks as I need a helmet next as my current one is only level 19.
Why are the helmets so expensive? All the other armor pieces are 65 marks but helmets are 120. Its not like it even has the best defense as that goes to the chest armor. Sucks as I need a helmet next as my current one is only level 19.
That is why i will spend my marks after i see what strange coin guy got this weekend as i got 24 of them. I farmed 4000mobs this morning andvwill farm more but its looks its like one drop every 300 mobs or so for blue and like 1000 for purple. Image my crypto guy is almost lvl3 and so far i had 3 YES THREE useful purples. So that should get your hopes down. I got more for hunter and warlock than for my titan.... ****ing rng is bad in this game
Purples can give greens too, which is a real kick in the teeth...
Just got a legendary helmet from an engram, which is annoyingly the same as the one I just spent 120 vanguard marks on. xD
I've not been spending anything for this reason, just hoarding at the moment although I hit the 25k glimmer limit. Not really sure what to do with glimmer tbh thought there would be an auction house or something...
just got my first exotic!
for the wrong class :'(