An educated guess but I'd say it will wipe.
Yes 99% sure of this. You do get some sort of in game medal if you played the beta I read on bungie however.
4 days for xbox seems a bit lacklustre but hey.
An educated guess but I'd say it will wipe.
I have bit the bullet and canceled my 'plain' addition and ordered the limited edition, it was on pure impulse alone and I have a feeling this will be one of the best games/francise this year. Would love the Ghost edition but its just waaaayy to much for my blood.
Only difference is the Ghost model and three badges anyway
Only £79.99 at gamestop
Anyone thinking of getting this from the American psn store? Destiny Digital Guardian Edition works out at around £52.00.
Would this defo work on a uk account?
Online i mean
ps3ud0Q. Great! When is this glorious Destiny Beta of which you speak?
On PS4 and PS3, the Destiny Beta will begin on July 17th at 10AM PDT.
On Xbox One and Xbox 360, the Destiny Beta will begin on July 23rd at 10AM PDT.
The Destiny Beta will be OFFLINE for maintenance on all systems from July 21st and July 22nd PDT.
The Destiny Beta will close at end of the day on July 26th PDT.
Q. Do I get something cool for playing the Destiny Beta?
Yup! Play the Destiny Beta on Saturday, July 26th, beginning at 8PM PDT, to earn an exclusive emblem for the retail version of Destiny. We’ll also be delivering some fun and unexpected surprises throughout the Beta!
Q. Do I get something cool for playing the Destiny Beta?
Yup! Play the Destiny Beta on Saturday, July 26th, beginning at 8PM PDT, to earn an exclusive emblem for the retail version of Destiny. We’ll also be delivering some fun and unexpected surprises throughout the Beta!
Yep i'm getting the same messageIrritatingly I've obviously missed the initial boat becuase I didn't see the email until just now, but when I select PS4 - Europe I get a message saying codes are not available at this time and come back on the 17th to make my selection.
Edit: No, it looks like others were/are getting the same message, from the Bungie Twitter feed:
Yep i'm getting the same message
And am i reading this right, you get 3 keys so you can give 2 away?